Who is Responsible for Providing Healthcare?

What is real healthcare? Who is responsible for providing it? Today in the 21st century, if one were to walk into any church or place of worship where believers are gathered together in America and ask them this question: Who is responsible for providing your healthcare? What would be the response? Would they respond in a similar way that believers have always responded throughout the history of the Bible, a book which is the written record of God’s people and their faith in God?

He Will Never Leave You: Finding Strength to Face Overwhelming Odds

When we enter the spiritual kingdom of Jesus through spiritual rebirth, we receive a great inheritance, but our struggles are just beginning. The king of darkness and his spiritual forces will not just hand their territory over to us. They will oppose us and seek to destroy us. But Jesus walks by our side with a power the opposition cannot overcome. Light always overcomes darkness. Therefore we have nothing to fear, because Jesus will never leave us! So be sure you are walking in the light, and not stumbling in the darkness. Turn to Jesus today and trust him, by following his leading!

The Most Remarkable Person You Will Ever Meet

by Brian Shilhavy
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: […]

Re-Creation: The Rebirth

Our physical bodies are decaying and will eventually die, but our spirit can be renewed and re-created, bringing about true health. This is a permanent solution to our health problems, and it is a FREE offer available to all - it cannot be purchased.