Advanced Search


Welcome to the Created 4 Health Advanced Search Page. Use this page to refine your search for exact and exhaustive results.

Search by any of the following options:
Keyword: Enter keywords to find relevant results.
Title: Search for items with a specific title.
Author: Find works by a particular author through searching by name.
Description: Search within item descriptions for relevant terms.
Match All Words: Use quotation marks ( " " ) for exact phrases. (ie. “good news”, “health benefits", etc.)
Match Any Portion of Word: Use the asterisk ( * ) at the end of a word include any and all words with that word contained. (ie. vote* will also populate results for: voted, votes, etc.)
Category: Select a category from the drop down to filter your search.
Tag: Select a topical tag from the drop down to filter your search.
Sort By: Sort your search by relevance or dates published. Also, sort in ascending or descending order.