Are You Truly Sorry When You Say “I’m Sorry”?

There are two types of “sorrow” in life; two kinds of sorrow that lead people to say “I’m sorry.” One is a Godly sorrow that leads to life and spiritual health, and one is a worldly sorrow that leads to sickness and death.

Are You a Model Believer?

Are you a “model believer?” This passage gives us a good description of what was considered a “model believer” in the early church. It was someone who turned away from idols (and idolatry) to serve the living and true God. It was someone who set their hope for the future on Jesus, and his eventual return to earth to one day set up his physical kingdom here.

The Superiority of Spiritual Food

Did you know that there is physical food and there is spiritual food? One may be enjoying good nutritious physical food and be completely nutrient lacking in spiritual food, or even starving to death spiritually.

Is the Way You Think About God Healthy?

If we want a healthy life today, we must believe and have proper thinking about God so we can know him and have a relationship with him, finding meaning and purpose in our life.

Do You Deserve a Break Today?

If we actually received what we deserve, it would be very ugly. But the good news is that mercy triumphs over judgment under the law of liberty, and opens the door to wonders and riches that are freely given in spite of the fact that we do not deserve them. Enacting this principle in your own life releases tremendous power for health to you, and to those around you.

Life and Prosperity or Death and Destruction: Which will You Choose?

While there certainly can be physical causes of sickness that can be addressed in the physical realm, we see continually throughout the history recorded in the Bible that sickness is often the result of a spiritual problem: our sin. If the cause is spiritual, the solution and the healing are spiritual also. Seeking physical remedies will not result in healing if the problem is a spiritual problem.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ: Natural vs. Supernatural

There is a lot of debate today over the meaning of the word “natural” in certain circles, particularly in the marketing of food products. What the word “natural” means in communication depends on the understanding of the one using the term. For those starting from a Darwinian presupposition, for example, it means something like the “natural” course of the way things evolved. “Natural” in this sense is the result of random processes absent from any intelligence guiding it. For those starting from a creation or intelligent design presupposition, “natural” means something related to a design principle, and what the designer intended. Science, in the strictest sense of the word, cannot prove either starting presupposition. Both positions start with a belief about what is true. When we come to the term supernatural, however, there is no serious debate as to what the term means. The only debate is whether or not it occurs in real life.

There is Only One True Doctor

Jesus has never given up his authority to heal. It remains today. It begins with forgiveness of sins. The principles for healing have not changed over time, only the “doctors” who desire to maintain their control over the people through their approved products for dealing with sickness. Jesus is still the one true Doctor who has the authority to forgive sins and offer true healing. His authority supersedes the authority of all other doctors and health practitioners today, just as it did when he walked the earth. So who are you trusting today for your health?

The True Source of Energy Healing

Medical practice here in the 21st century is primarily chemical based, with a strong educational foundation built upon Darwinian evolutionary biology. Yet, the products produced by the pharmaceutical industry are known to cause over 100,000 deaths per year, and injure millions more. As a result, many are returning to more natural healing methods. An older system of healing than the modern chemically-based pharmaceutical products revolves around the use of energy. Sometimes referred to in modern times as “energy medicine,” these healing practices look at the body’s energy fields, understanding that even the physical elements in creation have specific energy patterns. Perhaps one of the oldest forms of using energy in the body for healing is the Chinese practice of acupuncture, which has gained more wide-spread acceptance recently even in western cultures. A more modern form of energy-based healing would be homeopathy, which at one point early in the history of the United States was the more common practice used by “physicians,” until pharmaceutical-dominated trade unions like the American Medical Association drove most of these physicians out of business in favor of the more profitable pharmaceutical products. The purest form of energy healing, however, centers around the healing “touch” of Jesus Christ. Stories recorded in the Bible show that when Jesus walked the earth in human form, that simply touching him brought about healing.

The Different Ways God Communicates with Us

Psalm 19 shows us three truths about how God communicates with us, and how we can know him.