Death is in Your Future: Have You Prepared for it?

The most important event in our life, however, is our physical death – the end of our life when our physical body can no longer support our spirit. It is also an event that we have little or no control over. We cannot prevent it. Death is a certainty, and it is not very predictable. After our body dies, we go on living into eternity. And yet an event as important as this seldom gets the attention in preparation that other less important major events in our life receive. So have you made preparations for this inevitable future event in your life?

The Ultimate Training Program

Physical fitness and training is a huge business in our culture today, as we become a more sedentary population in the age of science and technology. Athletes must prepare and implement a specific plan to train physically in order to compete successfully. Likewise today, many of us who lead sedentary lifestyles must make specific plans to stay physically fit through regular exercise, or our health will deteriorate. But Paul told Timothy that training to be godly was far more beneficial for one’s health than physical training. He stated that physical training was only of some value, whereas godliness has value for all things. Physical training is only good for as long as your body lasts in this life, while godly training has value both in the present life and also in the future life to come. This principle is especially true in our modern society, as we exalt and emphasize the physical realm, and either ignore or deny the spiritual realm altogether. So what is “godliness?”

Medicine: Idolatry in the Twenty First Century

The heart of idolatry is looking to sources outside of God for our basic needs and desires in life. The idols that are erected flow out of our experiences in life, and the idol is an attempt to explain life apart from the Creator. The cure for idolatry is belief and trust in God our Creator and Redeemer. Faith in God our Creator and the Redeemer Jesus, is the opposite of idolatry, and recognizes that life depends on God the Creator, and that redemption, the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth, comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Is “Pastor” A Biblical Title for Church Leaders?

The English word "pastor" today is most often used in front of a person's name as a title of someone in a leadership position within a church or religious organization. But is this common title used so often in modern culture really biblical? Would believers in Jesus Christ in the First Century, among whom are the writers of the New Testament portion of the Bible, have used this term as a title, representing leaders and authorities? Who will follow the one true Pastor Jesus, who is the rightful owner of the one true flock, and tend to his sheep under his leadership? Who will pray in faith with the power and authority of Jesus to affect true healing for the multitudes that are suffering in the 21st century? Who will deal with the disease and effects of sin and receive the forgiveness from Jesus that cleanses and heals?

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety without Drugs

There are the two biblical principles of dealing with anxiety and stress, and they are the guiding principles for mental health. No drugs are needed. It requires a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, however, and not just an intellectual knowledge about him. So the first step is the spiritual rebirth.

The Key to Happiness and Long Life

What are the secrets to longevity and happiness? The ancient writings of the scriptures provide the answer!

The Practice of Receiving

What do you enjoy more? Giving a gift, or receiving one? If you are like most people, you enjoying giving gifts to others more than you do receiving gifts. However, the joy you receive back in seeing someone accept your gift is 100% dependent on that person deciding to receive it. If they don't take it, they rob you of the joy you receive in giving the gift. Did you know that your unwillingness to receive gifts could keep you from entering the kingdom of God?

Dealing with Despair

Moses did everything right, but everything turned out wrong! The result was loneliness, anger, and despair. But God had not abandoned him, and he kept talking to him. Moses listened. He didn’t have too many other choices.

How God Speaks to Us Today

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.

Joy within Sorrow: The Great Paradox of Life

Knowing Jesus and his love for us, will give us great joy, and complete joy, during the times of pain and suffering in this life.