Is Lady Liberty (Columbia) the “Great Prostitute” of Prophecy Residing in Washington D.C., the Revived Roman Empire to Fall During the “Last Days”?

Last month (November, 2023), I wrote an article where I identified the name of the head demon I believed represented the USA today, which is "Columbia", a female deity that also goes by "Lady Liberty" or "Freedom" in modern times since the USA was founded in 1776. In ancient times she has been known by other names, such as “Ashtoreth”, a female fertility "god" known in Old Testament times, or "Artemis", the name she was given in the New Testament times under the rule of the ancient Roman empire. Another manifestation of this demon of the United States of America is in the "Statute of Freedom" which stands tall on top of the U.S. Capitol dome in Washington D.C., where members of the U.S. Congress meet in the legislative branch of the U.S. government. Latin was the language of the former Roman Empire, and the District of Columbia in the United States is full of these Latin phrases, as well as Roman architecture. Is there really any doubt that the United States is the "revived Roman Empire" which many believe is prophesied in the Bible to be the "Great Prostitute", or that Washington D.C. is at the seat of Freemasonry and Satanism in the world today? If so, what does biblical prophecy say is going to happen to this "Beast" and the "Great Prostitute" in the "last days"?

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

Christian Zionism is a cult, a very dangerous cult. I refer to this teaching as a "cult" because it is not based on the writings of the Bible, although it tries to use the Bible to justify its doctrines. Christian Zionism is a branch of Dispensationalism Theology, which began around the 18th Century and was made popular in the late 19th Century by John Nelson Darby, and C.I. Scofield, who developed the first "study Bible" that included notes on the original text of the Bible interpreting the text through the lens of Dispensationalism, which included Zionism. The most dangerous modern-day belief coming out of Zionism, is that modern-day Israel, and the "Jewish people," are more special than any other nation or race of people on earth, which leads to racial discrimination and prejudice, something that is NOT taught in the Bible at all. I have previously covered much of this false teaching, so what I am going to do in this article is repeat most of that teaching and show just what the Bible actually teaches. I am using the Bible as my authority, which is what most of the Zionists also claim, so that you can search the scriptures yourself to see what they actually teach on this topic, rather than rely upon a Christian "expert".

What is in Elon Musk’s New Mega Rocket? Get to Know NASA’s New Artemis Freemason Space Program

This coming Friday, November, 17, 2023, SpaceX's largest rocket, the "Starship," which is also the world's largest ever built rocket and launch system, is scheduled to make its second test launch and flight. What is this mega-rocket going to be used for? Launch more satellites, joining the more than 8,800 operating satellites currently in orbit radiating the earth and looking at who knows what? Probably, but this rocket is built for bigger things. Could we be entering into a new phase of war, where the threat from alleged "nuclear bombs" becomes nothing compared to energy weapons that could potentially affect the weather, create earthquakes, and cause massive fires that instantly incinerate everything in their path? Such massive destruction could render human soldiers unnecessary, as the modern warrior would then be sitting behind a computer somewhere ready to "pull the trigger." Well one thing we know for sure, is that NASA's new space program, Artemis, has already contracted with Musk and his SpaceX "Starship" to become part of the Artemis space program. Since its inception, the U.S. space agency NASA has used the names of "Greek Gods and Goddesses", which the Bible refers to as "Demons", to name their spaceships and space "exploration" programs. "Apollo" was one of the first names used. And that is because NASA is a Freemason organization.

Is the Spirit of Columbia the Head Demon Over the United States? Is this Demon Referenced in Biblical Prophecy?

One of the teachings of the Bible that I have referenced frequently in my writings is that the entire world system, particularly its political and financial systems, is all part of Satan's kingdom. This is the system that all of us are born into naturally, and to escape this demonic system, we have to be "born again" spiritually to enter into the Kingdom of God, ruled by Jesus Christ. We are then called the "children of God," because of our rebirth spiritually. When Jesus Christ allowed himself to be executed to fulfill prophecy, he redeemed the entire human race and passed judgment on Satan and his demonic hierarchy who rule the world. The Greek words in the original text of the Bible that refer to Satan and his administration, are usually translated with English words such as "power" and "authorities." Jesus defeated them at the cross by his voluntary sacrifice, ruling against them in the court of justice in the spiritual realm, allowing anyone who so chooses to leave Satan's kingdom and join the Kingdom of God under the New Covenant through the rebirth. Satan and his administration, however, have yet to be sentenced to their punishment, which the Bible explains to us will still happen at a future date. Until that time, they still rule the world system. Occasionally, the Biblical texts give us an indication as to who these "powers and authorities" are in Satan's kingdom. One of those places is in the Book of Daniel, where it is recorded that each major geopolitical nation has its own head demon, referred to as a "Prince", apparently using this title in their ranking before Satan. This would imply that these "princes" are among the highest ranking demons ruling on earth, answering directly to Satan himself. We see two head demons referenced in Daniel, one identified as the "Prince of Persia" and one referred to as the "Prince of Greece." One good angel serving in the Kingdom of God is also mentioned as a "chief prince", Michael. Michael is mentioned again the book of Revelation. So what about the United States of America, which is a modern-day country that did not exist when the Bible was written? First, one needs to understand that the USA was founded by Satanic Freemasons and has always been ruled by Satanic rulers who are all part of Freemasonry. Since our founding in 1776, the goal of the U.S. was to become the center of the New World Order. American Christians have been taught that the USA was founded as a "Christian Country." And I don't necessarily disagree with that belief, because I understand that the Christian religion, along with ALL of the world's religions, is part of the Satanic world system run by Freemasons. It makes sense, therefore, that today in 2023 as the U.S. is entering its last stages of being the world's last remaining "superpower", that there is a national demonic power who rules most of the world today as one of the most powerful demons in the world, perhaps only second in command to Satan himself. It is also possible that Satan's physical location where he dwells on earth is also in the U.S. today. I believe that the name of this demon who is the head demon over the U.S., is a female spirit that is named "Columbia."

Evangelical Christians Turn Their Backs on Christians in Palestine Who are Being Murdered and Attacked by Jews as They Give Unconditional Support to Israel

The Evangelical Christian Zionism cult has made it very clear in recent days that they will support modern day Israel at any cost, even when Jews who do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah attack Christians living in Palestine who do accept that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. This fanatical belief by Zionist Christians has existed for years now, as they choose to side with the Jews who attack Christians, rather than the Christians who are being murdered by Jews. Please listen to what Christian leaders say who live in Palestine/Israel in these short videos. The theology of modern-day Evangelical Christians that believes one must support the nation of Israel at all costs, even when some Jews attack and kill Christians, is not found in the Bible. Today, those who are "blessed" or "cursed" are based on their belief in Jesus Christ, the descendant of Abraham, and not the "Jews". Did Jesus believe that all Jews were blessed? Not according to the Bible. Jesus believed and taught that there were Satanic Jews who served their father the Devil, and that there were righteous Jews who believed in him, whom he called his "disciples." Jesus, himself a Jew and a Semite, would clearly be labeled as "antisemitic" today for not supporting the nation of Israel, even though he did not support the nation of Israel 2000 years ago either.

First Amendment Rights Survive Republican Zionists’ Effort to Censor Free Speech in Congress as Rhetoric of Hate and Murder Among the Right Intensifies

First Amendment pro-free speech advocates among the Conservative Right have been complaining for the past 3 years over attacks on "Free Speech" regarding anything contrary to the government narrative surrounding the COVID scam and how dangerous the COVID injections are. But now some of those same alleged proponents of "Free Speech" are the loudest voices in government trying to censor anyone who does not support the Zionist-controlled corporate media and dares to bring attention to the plight of innocent Palestinians and their children being mass-murdered in Gaza right now, where the latest reports now say that over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed, with nearly 4,000 of those deaths being children. This attack on the First Amendment by the Zionists has become so fanatical, that a resolution to censor the speech of U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, whose crime is that she is Palestinian and has been re-elected twice by her fellow American citizens in Michigan, has relatives in the West Bank and Gaza who have suffered, and recently joined a "Cease Fire" rally in Washington D.C. together with Jews who also are calling for a cease fire, was proposed by several Zionist lawmakers. How dare she! Not even calls for a cease fire will be tolerated by the Zionists, as they believe it is the duty of Americans to commit mass murder and genocide of all the Palestinian people, including their children, because that is what America does, just as it did to the Japanese during WW II by killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people all in the name of war and "national security". The Christian Zionist cult in most churches today is based on "doctrines of demons," and is calling for mass murder and genocide of not only Muslims, but also Christians who have lived in Palestine and the Middle Eastern Arab countries for hundreds of years before Islam even started. We are clearly living in the "End Times" now as described in the New Testament when "false prophets, pastors and teachers" would infiltrate the congregations of believers.

World War 3 Imminent: Opposition Both Inside the U.S. and Outside the U.S. Grows as Children Continue to be Massacred in Palestinian Genocide

Opposition to the U.S. and their funding of Israel's military, which has now reportedly killed over 8,000 Palestinians including over 3,000 children, is rapidly mounting. The number of children reported killed in Gaza in just three weeks has surpassed the annual number of children killed across the world's conflict zones since 2019. Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. Earlier today, a refugee camp inside of Gaza was bombed, reportedly leaving hundreds dead, including innocent women and children. (Video) Today, protesters disrupted a Senate Committee hearing in Washington D.C. on sending aid to Israel, holding up hands and arms painted in blood red, with many of them being arrested. Outside the U.S., opposition to the massacre of thousands of children and the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people is rapidly rising. That opposition is coming from the Muslim nations, where in a rare show of solidarity Shia Muslims are uniting with Sunni Muslims. In addition to the Muslim nations, China and Russia have issued very stern warnings the past few days. Can the U.S. military, where 68% of its service members are reportedly obese and unfit for combat, take on the entire world? If people in the U.S. are increasingly protesting against the killing of lives in Gaza and calling for a cease fire, and as the rest of the world moves rapidly to unify against the ongoing genocide against Palestinians and the demonic sacrifice of innocent children, then who is supporting these atrocious, demonic attacks against these children and innocent civilians? Evangelical Christians. The Zionist Evangelical branch of Christianity now appears the be the leaders in the world supporting war, mass murder, and the genocide against an entire race of people and an entire religion.

Are You Seeking the Approval of Men, or the Approval of God?

When Jesus Christ walked on this earth in the First Century, he claimed to be "the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14:6) In his teaching to his disciples during those days, he also made it very clear that the cost to follow Jesus, and to stand for the Truth, was a costly one, and that in order to follow him as the source of all truth would require one to be willing to give up everything this life has to offer, including relationships with friends and loved ones. Jesus also made it very clear that those who did follow him and stand for the Truth, would be very few, and always the minority. Some of the most miserable people of society are those who understand the Truth intellectually, but are not willing to follow the Truth, because the cost is too high. It's very difficult to always be in the minority, with everyone opposing you, because you do not follow the crowd. Today, if you live in the United States, Zionism dominates our culture, especially Evangelical Christian teaching. To dare to question one's belief that the modern day Israeli government is the leader of "God's chosen people," is to go against the crowd and become the object of ridicule and hatred. One of our readers named Kevin emailed me this week and wrote: "My own wife and entire family left me due to the fact that she believes the tribulation is for Zionist Political state of Israel. My only purpose in life now is to bring others to Jesus. I know the false teachers and the deceptions being preached on Fox News, pulpits everywhere, etc." Kevin has counted the cost to follow Jesus and the Truth, and he continues to do so even after losing his wife and family. It's a very lonely life. Trust me, I know. But we can take courage in the fact that the disciples who followed Jesus when he still walked this earth, and shortly after he left, all faced the same opposition and isolation. Will you take a stand for the Truth and count the cost as the minority people of God as you seek to please him? Or will you cower in fear, and seek the approval of men and go along with the crowd and the Zionists?

Thousands of Jewish Protesters Shut Down NYC Grand Central Station with Hundreds of Jews Arrested for Supporting Peace and Cease Fire in Gaza

Last night (Friday, October 27, 2023) something happened in New York City that some say has not happened in over 20 years: Thousands of people turned out for a peaceful protest and shut down Grand Central Station, one of the largest commuter rail stations in the world, in an act of civil disobedience where hundreds of people were arrested. The Zionist-funded corporate media and alternative media in the United States had a difficult time covering this event since it did not fit their current narrative regarding the war in Israel and Gaza right now, where they want the whole world to think this is a war between Jews and Muslims, with all Jewish people supporting Israel's actions, and all Muslim people supporting the Palestinians and Hamas. Whoops! This protest against the war calling for a cease fire and peace, was led by American Jews, NOT Palestinians. I can't state this truth often enough, which is that every time you see or read a media source classify all people into a category that states all the people in that category, such as a religious or ethnic group, all believe and act the same, that this is ALWAYS false. I have previously written that the majority view among both sides of the current conflict between Israel and Gaza, are the vast numbers of people who do NOT support their government and military actions, and just want the fighting to STOP!

New Speaker of the House is Zionist Evangelical Christian Who Wants Americans to Believe He was Ordained by God to Support Israel and Destroy Palestinians

Well the rumors that there might be some kind of major false flag event that would throw the world into chaos and threaten Americans so much that they would do anything, including making former President Donald Trump the next Speaker of the House, who is second in line to become President after the Vice President, was put to rest yesterday (at least for now) as a fellow Zionist and Trump supporter was elected as Speaker of the House instead. Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson has been elected as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, with unanimous Republican support. Johnson is a Zionist Evangelical Christian, and his first act as the newly elected Speaker of the House was to draw up a resolution supporting the current government in Israel. Like many other U.S. politicians in recent days, Johnson apparently is also calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, who at the time of this writing, have reportedly seen over 7,000 of their people killed in the recent conflict, many of them women and children. "We must elect a Speaker so the House can take all necessary action to end Hamas forever," Johnson recently tweeted. How long will it be now before people like me who dare to publish the opposing view of Christian Zionism, or publish the other side of the current conflict in the Middle East that is mostly censored in the Corporate Media and even in most of the Right-Conservative Alternative Media, are rounded up and locked away for being "Antisemitic"? In Florida, college and university students, where freedom of speech should be welcome, are allegedly being forced to disband if they have anything to do with Palestinians that don't fit in with the Zionist views. The U.S. Government is even trying to censor journalists outside the U.S. who live in Muslim countries for not supporting Israel. Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech, and "antisemitic"?