Evangelical Christians Praying for Armageddon and Supporting the Death Penalty for “Antisemitism”

In March of 2023, several months before the current war between Hamas and Israel broke out, Norwegian film producer Tonje Hessen Schei premiered the documentary film, Praying for Armageddon: When Biblical Prophecy Fuels Political Power. What this documentary film does is expose the Christian Zionist Cult, from the non-Christian perspective. It was just re-released to the public a few weeks ago on Al Jazeera, who published it in two parts, both of which are now available for free to watch on YouTube. This is a very enlightening, and VERY timely, documentary to watch to understand the "other side" of how non-Christians and non-Americans view Evangelical Zionism. I highly recommend viewing this film, even though I don't agree with everything in it. It accurately exposes how massive amounts of money in Evangelical Christianity define and support Zionism politically. No Republican politician can ever lead the United States without being part of this Evangelical Christian Zionism movement, and wholeheartedly agreeing with it and the Zionist (mis)interpretation of the Bible. This documentary also reveals why President Trump, during his first term in office, moved the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which legally gave the U.S. a presence in Jerusalem, so that if the U.S. Embassy was ever bombed by the enemies of Israel, it would be legally interpreted as an act of war against the United States. That international law that states all embassies and consulates are considered as part of the countries where they originate, and that any acts of violence or attack on these embassies would be legally considered as an act of war on that country which would then give that country the "right" to strike back, is EXACTLY what just happened with the Israeli attacks on the Iranian Embassy in Syria. The whole world knows that this was an act of war by Israel against Iran, and that Iran has a legal "right" to strike back, something that is considered imminent at the time of my writing this. And while everyone today seems to agree that Iran is about to make retaliatory strikes against Israel which they have a "legal right" right to do, what is not so clear is what the response of Israel and the United States is going to be, and if this is going to greatly escalate World War III. If it does, and if American lives are lost, look for stricter laws, executive orders, and emergency actions to be taken against "antisemitism", much like we saw during COVID with actions taken against "the unseen enemy (virus)", with mandatory orders (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, etc.) given to allow continued participation in society. The main leader and face of the American Christian Evangelical Zionism movement today is undoubtedly Donald Trump, and he has already publicly stated that he wants a federal "death penalty" imposed for "antisemitism."

Will Mandatory Support of Israel Soon Replace Mandatory COVID Vaccines as a Condition for Employment? Support for Israel Already Mandated in 38 States

In 2021 we saw private companies and local governments all throughout the United States mandate COVID-19 "vaccines" as a condition for employment, and many of those mandates are still in place today. But there is another mandate that could soon be required as a condition for employment and receiving government aid, and that is the mandate to not criticize or say anything negative against Israel. In fact, there are already laws on the books in 38 states that prohibit you from receiving government contracts or public investment funds, unless you agree to not participate in any anti-Israel activities. The main lobbying group supporting these State laws in the U.S. and around the world, is Israel Allies Foundation, whose Chairman of the Board is Evangelical Christian Dr. Dave Weldon, who previously served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995-2008, representing Florida’s 15th district. Many other pro-Zionism organizations are well-funded by Evangelical Christians, such as Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), and hundreds of others. Other mega Christian organizations that do not focus solely on Zionism but also promote Zionism, include the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Focus on the Family (FOF), the Family Research Council (FRC), and many, many others. Are you ready to wear the Star of David on your body somewhere or hang the flag of Israel next to the American flag at your home to prove your loyalty to Israel in order to participate in society? Zionism is synonymous with Freemasonry and Satanism, and you will not find idols representing either Israel or the U.S. anywhere on my body nor on my property. I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit to represent God's ownership of me, and when God's judgment comes against this evil nation, including the Churches, this is the only mark that will save you. When the final Universal Supreme Court rulings are handed out during the Last Judgment, I will be found Not Guilty because I am represented by my Counselor and Attorney of record, J.C. King & Associates. He's not a member of the Crown's Bar, and he's never lost a case yet.

American Congressman Pastor Timothy Walberg Calls for Nuclear Bombing of Gaza Like we Did in Japan

Israel is continuing its campaign of terrorism not only against the Palestinian people, but by also bombing Western aid workers trying to provide humanitarian relief to the refugees. The entire world is watching with horror as Israel continues their genocide against the Palestinian people, and also bombing Iran and Syria. The United States appears to be the only nation still supporting Israel by supplying them military aid and weapons, even as U.S. President Joe Biden gives lip service to allegedly opposing the actions of Israel's Right Wing Zionist madman, Benjamin Netanyahu. It can easily be stated today that Netanyahu has more support in the U.S. than he even does in his own country of Israel, where the majority of Israelis are NOT Zionists, and where tens of thousands of Jews have taken to the streets in the past few days to protest against the mass-murderer Benjamin Netanyahu. The groups in the U.S. that primarily support all of Netanyahu's actions and reign of terrorism, are the Evangelical Zionist Christians, where many American pastors have been calling on the U.S. to "wipe out" all of the Palestinians in Gaza, which of course includes many Christian Palestinians as well. The latest Evangelical Pastor to call for the genocide of the Palestinians, is Pastor Timothy Walberg, who is also a Republican Congressman from Michigan. Walberg last week stated in a Town Hall meeting in Michigan that the U.S. should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, just like we did on Japan during WW II. He also included Iran and Russia, as well as North Korea and China, in his calls for nuclear annihilation. "We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid. It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick. The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat Putin quick." As could be expected, reactions from leaders around the world were appalled that an America politician who is also a Christian Pastor, would support such barbaric actions.

God’s Secret Wisdom vs. Satan’s Secret Societies

The English words "secret" and "mystery" refer to knowledge that is "hidden", and that needs to be discovered. When dealing with the spiritual world, as opposed to simply the physical world, the method of discovering these "mysteries" or "hidden knowledge" is often referred to as "illuminating". It is like entering a dark room where one's physical eyes cannot see what is in that room due to the darkness, so a light must be turned on in order to see everything clearly. The English word most often used to describe the process of finding or discovering these mysteries or secrets, is "wisdom." The Bible clearly teaches that there are two categories of "wisdom" in the world: The wisdom of the world and the ruler of this world, and the wisdom of God, as revealed in Jesus Christ. Paul wrote: "My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power. We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." The secret societies such as Freemasonry have their own definitions of light, knowledge, and spiritual truth: "When you enter the lodge, Freemasons believe you seek light as you are in the darkness and blindfolded due to numerous reasons. In the Lodge, the term ‘Light’ has a different meaning. It is all about spiritual truth and knowledge. However, the ‘Spiritual Truth’ is something that particularly clashes with the teachings of Christianity. If you are a Christian, and if you are in the lodge, you cannot talk of Christ or consider him as God. Freemasons believe G.A.O.T.U (Great Architect of The Universe) is the true God of the universe. Freemasonry values freedom of thought, and for this reason, there is no particular religion a man must follow to become a Freemason." Fortunately, the "mysteries of the Kingdom of God" have now been revealed for everyone to know, and that "mystery" is that anyone, regardless of race, religion, nationality or any other classification of humans, can enter into the Kingdom of God and find true "liberty" in Jesus Christ. Any other claim to offer "liberty" is a different kind of "liberty" that leads to slavery to Satan and his kingdom.

Was the U.S. Constitution Written to Protect “We the People” or “We the Globalists”? Were the Founding Fathers Godly Men or Servants of Satan?

Studying history is an interesting endeavor, because the people who lived during the historical time period one studies are generally no longer alive to affirm or deny how historical events unfolded. We are generally left with the writings that were left behind, and the authors who interpret those writings, if written materials even still exist. It generally comes down to faith, and who you believe to be giving an accurate account of historical facts. When it comes to the history of the United States, and the activities of the "Founding Fathers" who drafted and wrote documents such as the Declaration of Independence in 1776, or The Constitution of the United States written more than a decade later in 1789, most public and private school educators in the United States are fairly unified in viewing this period of history very positively, as well as taking a positive view of the "Founding Fathers," and the U.S. Constitution. It makes perfect sense to have this kind of unified positive view so that the majority of the public in the U.S. will be agreeable to "patriotism" and the belief that the United States is the greatest nation in the world, which is then used to justify government actions such as funding the military to fight wars, and collecting taxes to fund the government. But there are other, lesser known views of American history. Recently I came across a book written by James A. Beard in 1914 titled: AN ECONOMIC INTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Beard was a professor of politics at Columbia University. Another book I recently came across and have been reading and have found to be well-documented and well-written is "Founding Fathers, Secret Societies: Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucians, and the decoding of the Great Seal," written by Robert Hieronimus in 2006. If you want to truly understand the world today, and especially the role that the United States plays in world events, I strongly encourage you to start reading alternative, less popular works such as these two. I am going to provide a summary of the topics covered in these and some other works which presents evidence that what most of us have been taught about the founding of the United States and the original founders, is probably not true.

How American Christian Culture Destroys Motherhood and Kidnaps Children of Single Moms

Modern day America is largely defined by Western Christian and Jewish values, and those of us who grew up in this culture and read the Bible, will naturally tend to read and understand the Bible from our own Western cultural values. However, the inspired authors of the literature contained in the Bible did not write from a Western cultural perspective, but from a Middle Eastern culture perspective, especially the Old Testament. To be sure, during the New Testament period, the Roman culture, which grew out of the Greek culture and is the foundation of "Western" culture, was transitioning to become the dominant culture in the world. But the Jewish writers of the New Testament still largely lived their lives based on Middle Eastern culture, and Middle Eastern cultural values. As an American, I have been very fortunate to live a significant portion of my adult life outside the United States, including many years in Turkey and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s, where Middle Eastern culture and Middle Eastern cultural values were still the dominant force shaping their societal values. Most of the modern English translations of the Bible, as well as the English commentaries on the Bible, including the "older" commentaries, some of which were written in German during the Reformation period in Europe and then later translated into English, are all written by Westerners with Western cultural values. One of the most damaging effects of using Christian and Jewish Western cultural values to translate and interpret the Bible, is how the modern definition of  "orphans" and "widows" is used today. It's easy for me to sum up the Western cultural view of "widows" and "orphans" today as defined and practiced in the United States in one sentence: Grab the "orphans" and turn them over to the Government's lucrative child trafficking system called "foster care" and "adoption" and let the widows fend for themselves after they lose their children.

The High Cost of Following the Truth

I watched the horrible video today of Aaron Bushnell, a member of the U.S. Air Force, who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. this past Sunday. Setting oneself on fire and committing suicide seems like quite an extreme act for the cause of "genocide." Unless by "genocide" what is meant is all the other horrors that go along with genocide, horrors like sexually abusing children, carving them up to sell their body parts, and other such horrors that have actually come to light in these recent days because they have been happening in Ukraine, as well as inside the U.S. among the Satanic Jews and their tunnels in New York City. These kinds of atrocities are most probably also happening in Palestine right now, so is there any evidence that Aaron Bushnell knew about these horrors? According to what one of his close friends allegedly told the N.Y. Post, yes, Bushnell was working for the Air Force in intelligence, and had classified knowledge that US forces were fighting in Gaza, inside the tunnels there. As a suicide survivor myself, I am very familiar with the lies and tricks that Satan uses to pollute a person's mind when one comes in contact with the truth, and when one begins to understand that life and this world is nothing like what we were taught it is. It can drive a person to despair, wrongly thinking that only the wicked, evil powers of this world are in control, and that faced with the choices in front of us with such knowledge, that the best choice is to just end it all, as no amount of human effort will ever change this evil. There are no "white hats" or "good" people that will come in and save the day, like what happens in most of the movies that have been produced in Hollywood over the years since the beginning of TV and the mass media. The price one pays for knowing the truth, and daring to expose the evil powers that run this world, is a very lonely life, and most people choose instead to ignore these inconvenient truths, because the cost to believe them, and stand upon them and defend them, is far too high. It was too high, apparently, for Airman Aaron Bushnell, and he listened to the lies of Satan and acted in fear as a coward instead, giving up, and perhaps trying to atone for his sins by trying to make his suicide a political statement. And while a few pro-Palestinians are commending his actions, the mass media, both on the Right and on the Left, are having a hard time covering this story, as it doesn't fit either of their narratives.

Why “Free” Markets are a Myth: The REAL War on Humanity is Satan vs. Jesus and NOT Right vs. Left

In 2003, Jamie Johnson, the son of billionaires and one of the heirs to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, produced a documentary about what it was like to grow up in the United States as a child of billionaires, where one has so much inherited wealth, that you never have to work, and how one can find meaning in life since money can't buy everything. The name of the film is "Born Rich", and Johnson interviewed other children of billionaires, including Ivanka Trump. While this is an interesting documentary, it is what "Born Rich" did for Jamie Johnson that led to his second documentary published in 2006 titled "The One Percent", that is far more interesting. "The One Percent" documentary is very critical of the rich, from an insider perspective by the great grandson of Robert Wood Johnson I, co-founder of Johnson and Johnson. Because Jamie Johnson was an insider into the world of the Globalists, and because he had decided to become a filmmaker and had already published his first documentary about the difficulties of being the child of billionaires, he basically had a free ticket to interview anyone he wanted to, as these very powerful people were probably trying to help out "one of their own" who was trying to find his way - at least until they realized just what it was he was trying to expose. Some of the people Jamie interviewed for The One Percent are: Steve Forbes – CEO of Forbes, Inc., and former presidential candidate, Bill Gates Sr. – father of Microsoft Founder Bill Gates, Adnan Khashoggi – Iranian International arms merchant involved in the Iran-Contra scandal under President Reagan, Claude R. Kirk Jr. – former governor of Florida, Greg Kushner – Lido Wealth Conference Director, Nicole Buffett – adopted daughter of Warren Buffett's son Peter from a previous marriage, and Milton Friedman – Economist, and Nobel Laureate: 1976 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, among many others. A couple of years after this documentary was published, the U.S. banking crisis started, and President George Bush and his predecessor President Barak Obama proceeded to bail out the banks and the Billionaires on Wall Street. This led to the Occupy Wall Street protests in NYC at the end of 2011. Unfortunately, the movement never gained traction and eventually just fizzled out, even though it was probably the only protest in my lifetime that actually identified the real problem in the United States that is behind almost every evil we suffer from: the Wall Street Billionaires and Central Bankers. Why did this movement never pick up steam? Because those Billionaires and Bankers did what they always do: they made it a political issue and part of one political platform, in this case the "Liberal Left", which then made the other half of the population of the United States, the "Conservative Right," automatically oppose it, so that the country remained divided and never dealt with the real criminals running the country, foolishly believing that politicians actually run this country and that if we don't like them, we can simply vote them out of office. One of the most revealing parts of the documentary, which I just watched this weekend for the first time, was about how corrupt the sugar industry is in Florida. The sugar cane industry in the Florida Everglades is basically owned by one rich family, the Fanjul family, who uses the Government to protect their interests. Attorney Greg Snell, who represents migrant farm workers working in the sugar cane fields, appears in this segment and states: "One was the Republican one was the Democrat. Alfie Fanjul was the single largest contributor in Florida to the Clinton campaign, and his brother was the largest contributor to Republican Bob Dole campaign. They had it covered either way." This is an amazing film that I had not watched before this past weekend, and I was blown away by the information that is revealed in this documentary! To be sure, it falls short of revealing the darkest and most evil elements of the Globalists who run this country, and topics like Satanic Ritual Abuse and child sex trafficking, or the role of Freemasonry and the Satanic Zionist Jews, but what it does reveal is how these people think, and how they justify their wealth, including Christians.

Who is “The Good Shepherd” and “The Truth that Sets People Free”?

In an article I published earlier this week, I reported how many of the world's leaders come from Yale University and their demonic secret society called "Skull and Bones". This fraternity has produced several U.S. Presidents (including both President Bushes) and other high-ranking politicians, and their China branch educated Communist Leader Mao Zedong. In the 1940s just after World War II, Skull and Bones men from Yale founded the counterintelligence agency called the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), which evolved out the British and American military counterintelligence programs during World War II, as a permanent agency to run counterintelligence operations even during times of peace after the war. A dramatization of these events and the forming of the CIA was produced for the Big Screen in Hollywood in 2006, called "The Good Shepherd." Having just read Ezekiel chapter 34 in my morning daily Bible readings this week, I was curious as to why they named a film about the founding of the CIA as "The Good Shepherd," so I watched the film. You would need to watch through the entire film until the end to get an idea as to why they titled this film "The Good Shepherd", as a scene at the end of the film shows when they began to build the new headquarters for the CIA, and on the wall in one of the original buildings that houses the CIA is a plaque which is shown in the film with this inscription: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." But this statement, which was actually spoken by Jesus Christ, is only the second half of the statement Jesus spoke. Here is the full statement in context that includes the preceding verse, verse 31: "To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" (John 8:31-32). The verse from the Bible that is etched into the structure of the CIA building, is obviously a mocking of Jesus Christ's words, which Jesus clearly stated only applied to the "Jews who had believed in him." The Satanic Jews/Freemasons who founded the CIA, are clearly stating that the unbelieving Jews, those I refer to as the "Satanic Jews" or "Zionists", are now representing what is "truth", and they are presenting their master, Satan, as the one who is the "truth" and who will "set you free". Setting you "free" of course, means setting you "free" from following Jesus and his teachings. This "freedom" or "liberty", which is also our national motto in such phrases as "liberty and justice for all", now actually means "slavery" for everyone, because the CIA is now "The Good Shepherd" "protecting" the citizens of the United States. This was actually fairly obvious with the founders of this country, who said such "noble" things as "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" as they brought their African slaves with them to this country to farm the tobacco fields of Virginia and North Carolina, and the cotton fields in the south, all while slaughtering the Native Americans who were already living here because they were in the way of their new concept of "freedom" that they brought over from Great Britain. This American form of "freedom" is clearly Satanic, and is an antithesis of how Jesus Christ defined "freedom," which is freedom from Satan and the power of sin and death, through Jesus's self-sacrifice and his death on the cross that shed innocent and holy blood into the earth to truly set people free.

Are You Being Called by God to be a Watchman for the Disaster Ahead? Will You Go Against the Crowd and Obey Your Calling no Matter What the Cost Might be?

In the summer of 2021, in the midst of the rollout of the deadly COVID-19 injections, I wrote and published an article based on the teachings of the Prophet Jeremiah who lived in Jerusalem just prior to it being destroyed by the military forces of Babylon, showing how the United States of America has now descended into the same moral abyss that was the state of Israel and Jerusalem in 586 B.C. when God destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem, where most of the people perished, resorting to cannibalism in the last days just trying to stay alive. Jeremiah was unique in the city of Jerusalem in those days, because he was the only one warning the people that God's judgment was imminent, and that total destruction was in their immediate future, while all the other religious leaders and prophets were saying the opposite, that God would deliver them from their enemies, because they thought that they were the "chosen people." Another man who was warning the people during the same time period about the imminent destruction and mass deaths that were about to happen in Jerusalem, was Ezekiel, who was a priest and a prophet. He had already been captured as a prisoner of war from Jerusalem and was carried away to Babylon, where he was warning the people about what was about to take place back in the "homeland." Since he was receiving the Word of God, his message was almost identical to that of Jeremiah's, but it was, by far, the minority voice, because the people preferred to believe the false prophets instead, who were not listening to the Word of God, and instead were trying to encourage everyone that they were the "chosen people" and had nothing to fear, because God was going to come to their aid and rescue them. The message Jeremiah and Ezekiel were preaching was not popular, but it was true. Everything they said was going to happen with the destruction of Jerusalem and the massacre of the people came true, as the false prophets and all of their followers died very painful deaths, as the city was surrounded and cut off from any supplies, and the people who were not killed by the sword died from famine, resorting to cannibalism in the last days. But perhaps the most serious warning that Ezekiel told to the people of his day just before the destruction of Jerusalem and the massacre that was about to take place, was addressed not to those who did not believe the Word of God, but to those who did, and yet failed to obey it.