(L-R) James O’Keefe with the newly constructed Ark of The Covenant at Trump’s residence, the newly constructed Ark of The Covenant, Donald Trump praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. According to the New Testament book of Revelation, the REAL Ark of The Covenant is in God’s Temple in Heaven.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Israeli journalist Alex Traiman wrote an article that appeared in many Jewish news publications last week, announcing that a new Ark of The Covenant replica, matching the ancient one that once was in the Tabernacle and in the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem as described in the Old Testament scriptures, was now on display in Jerusalem.
With eyes on winning war, building third Jewish Temple, Ark replica shown in Jerusalem
It took 17 volunteers, who live in several countries, three-and-a-half years to build the replica ark, which is made out of donated gold and some three tons of Egyptian Acacia, according to “Jake” the project’s chief architect, who prefers to remain anonymous, and Lewis Topper, its principal financier. (Source.)
This new Ark of The Covenant was mainly built in the United States, and after it was completed, it was delivered to the home of Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence, before it was taken to Israel to visit sites there, and finally ending up in Jerusalem in recent days.
During President Trump’s first presidency, he became the first head of state to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
It has been reported that Donald Trump converted to Judaism during his first term (source), and excitement among Zionists skyrocketed as it was reported that Donald Trump would spearhead efforts to build a new temple in Jerusalem, where currently the Al-Aqsa mosque stands.
Top Israeli Rabbi Believes Trump Will Build Third Temple in Jerusalem
Trump has so thoroughly altered US policy toward the Jewish state that many Israelis believe the end is near
US President Donald Trump’s unabashed support for the Jewish state and his public recognition of Jerusalem as its capital have many Israelis electrified.
The current American leader’s positive attitude toward Israel seems nearly illogical, especially after decades of far more hostile trends.
A prominent Israeli rabbi believes the reason for this unprecedented (at least in modern times) shift is that Trump has a big role to play in the building of the Third Temple and the coming of Messiah.
Rabbi Yosef Berger is the rabbi in charge of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, and the son of a widely revered Hasidic leader.
In remarks to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Berger cited a medieval rabbinical source that predicted that while the first two temples were built by Israel, the third would be built by the “descendants of Edom,” a phrase that in some later rabbinical literature is a euphemism for the Christian world.
This is so that the Christians, and the ancient peoples they have come to represent in rabbinical thought, can make restitution for millennia of wrongdoing toward the Children of Israel.
Rabbi Berger explained:
“No leader in history has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jews and Israel. [Trump] has already created a great tikkun (reparation) for the Christians through his unprecedented relationship with Jerusalem. Trump is the representative of Edom that will perform that final historic reparation for his entire nation by building the Temple.”
Trump never got to complete this task, however, as he failed in his attempt to be re-elected in 2020.
And to build a temple in Jerusalem according to Old Testament Law, the Ark of The Covenant must reside inside the “Holy of Holies” in the inner temple.
Is this New Ark of The Covenant just a “Replica”?

An illustration of the biblical burning bush on a modern-day Ark of the Covenant was displayed in Jerusalem on Oct. 20, 2024. Photo by Alex Traiman. Source.
While this new Ark of The Covenant is being called a “replica”, Traiman writes that many Jews see it as a weapon to use in their current war against Palestinians and their Arab neighbors, much like it was used in battles in the Old Testament times, beginning with the fall of Jericho.
He also stated that it was a “divine communication device.”
The replica ark stopped in Jericho, the first Israeli city inhabited by Jews after the biblical Exodus from Egypt, and in Shiloh, the site that served as the Jewish capital for 369 years after Jews settled in Israel and the location of the Tabernacle before the building of the First Temple.
Although the Torah delves into extensive detail about the construction of the Ark and its dimensions and materials, it leaves out a lot of critical information that a builder would need to create the sacred vessel.
“It was really a deep process of discovery and a mystery. It’s not a question of just reading the descriptions literally and building the device,” Jake said at the event.
“You have to do some heavy research, you have to immerse yourself and you have to go on a journey.”
“Building the Ark is the ultimate journey,” he added.
“It’s the ultimate pilgrimage to discover God and discover the Jewish people, and that pilgrimage was both horrifying and very satisfying.”
Each step raised new questions about how such a complex object was constructed before the advent of modern manufacturing.
“We went with the highest purity of gold available to the Egyptians,” Jake said at the event.
“The purity used for royal artifacts is around 23.75 carats, so we went with 23.75.”
The volunteers also drew on a “tremendous amount of math” to build the ark, according to the project’s chief architect.
“A lot of the concepts or motifs that we used follow up either Kabbalistic or some other concept by way of numerology,” Jake said.
“The math parallels the ones found both in the Tabernacle and the First Temple. They used the same kind of numerology.”
He added that the Golden Ratio—a relationship between values that has been seen as beautiful since ancient times and which appears in nature, including human anatomy—played a “very important part in the design.”
Divine ‘communication device’
The crown jewel atop the golden box, which required painstaking detail, is the pair of male and female cherubs—winged angels with child-like features that face each other.
“It’s very difficult to hammer gold to a high degree of precision, so a lot of the techniques have to be invented and discovered,” Jake said.
“Scripture tells us that God spoke to Moses in between the cherubs,” he said.
“The purpose of the Ark was to have a communication channel between Moses and God, so it’s the communication device. It certainly wasn’t an electronic communication device.”
It was also a sacred object with military implications.
“The Ark of the Covenant was the weapon that was taken into war,” he said.
Several attendees said that it was meaningful that the ark replica was built and brought to Jerusalem amid Israel’s seven-front war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and all of the latter’s other terror proxies.
Jake told attendees that the replica ark might be providing some symbolic military assistance already.
“We brought it to Israel to get it reattached to all of the places it was before. We actually visited Shiloh,” he said.
Jake hopes the replica ark can be used more formally in the current war.
“We would like to bring it to a number of military camps,” he told attendees.
“The original idea was to actually bring it physically into Gaza, but we are running into some administrative challenges.”
Topper, a businessman and philanthropist who lives in New York and Florida and who funded the project, told attendees that the replica ark is “a passionate task that was performed that encountered construction, engineering and architectural difficulties every step of the way.”
The rewards of the three-and-a-half-year journey were amplified for Topper when the replica ark arrived in Jerusalem.
“When we finally got the Torah delivered to us, it was this morning and it was at the City of David,” he said.
“When that Torah was put in, this ark became weaponized.”
Jake told attendees that the replica ark might be providing some symbolic military assistance already.
“We brought it to Israel to get it reattached to all of the places it was before. We actually visited Shiloh,” he said.
“The funny thing is that as soon as we took the Ark and assembled it in Shiloh, where the Tabernacle used to stay, I think within a few minutes, Sinwar (the Hamas leader) was taken out.”
The project architect noted that he and his colleagues claim no credit for the Israeli military killing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, “but the symbolism, the irony is actually pretty funny.” (Source.)
Israeli Zionists Looking to Trump and GOP Zionists to Build the New Temple

The Trump Temple Coin to be used in the New Temple.
A new temple built in Jerusalem would not be possible without the support of American Zionists, most of whom are Christians.
Republican Zionists, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, former North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, and many others have been traveling to Israel for years now, working with Kahanist activists and members of the “Temple Movement”, to plan the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the rebuilding of a new Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
The GOP’s Plan to Build the Third Temple
Republicans are working with Kahanist activists to advance a violent vision of Jewish control over Jerusalem’s holy sites.
BEFORE DAWN on April 15th, 2022, Israeli security forces laid siege to the Al-Aqsa mosque and compound in Jerusalem. Police shot Palestinian worshippers with rubber-coated steel bullets, subdued them with stun grenades, and beat them with billy clubs; over 150 were treated by the Red Crescent. By the end of the day, over 300 Palestinians had been arrested.
The New York Times explained the Israeli assault as a response to Palestinians blocking Jews from entering the compound amid rumors that “hard-line Jewish activists” planned to perform a Passover sacrifice at the site. Indeed, for weeks in the run-up to Passover, the right-wing religious group Beyadenu (In Our Hands), part of what’s known in Israel as the Temple Movement, had been planning and publicizing mass ascents to the hilltop compound, sometimes referred to as the Holy Esplanade.
When the Israeli government temporarily closed the esplanade to Jewish worshippers on April 25th in an attempt to prevent further violence, Beyadenu called the new policy a capitulation to Palestinian terrorism.
The policy was lifted in early May, and Beyadenu soon organized more Jewish ascents to the site.
On May 29th, when tens of thousands of armed settlers stormed the Old City for Jerusalem Day—chanting “death to Arabs,” calling for the burning of Palestinian villages, and attacking journalists—thousands entered Al-Aqsa, and Beyadenu celebrated the move.
The Temple Movement of which Beyadenu is a part has its roots in Kahanism, the Jewish fascist movement founded by Brooklyn-born rabbi Meir Kahane in the 1960s.
In the early ’70s, Kahane created an Israeli political party, Kach, which led a transnational campaign of violence in an effort to provoke the voluntary and forced transfer of Palestinians from Israel/Palestine, and advocated for the establishment of a theocratic ethnostate.
Though Israel banned Kach in 1984, publicly available tax filings show that the original party’s infrastructure has been reconstituted in a collection of Temple Movement-affiliated nonprofits founded and run by Kahanist luminaries.
Israeli researchers and organizers have documented some ties among Kahanist groups, and between Kahanist groups and the Temple Movement.
Jewish Currents’ review of Israeli tax filings identified a larger number of affiliated groups, including some that register nonprofits in the United States. (A new Kahanist party, Otzma Yehudit, has also taken Kach’s place in the Knesset.)
“The Kahanist movement is far from being dead in Israel,” said Aviv Tatarsky, a researcher with Ir Amim, which monitors human rights violations in Jerusalem.
“It’s the strongest it ever was.”
The Temple Movement’s influence—once largely limited to the most extreme settler groups in Hebron and Jerusalem—has been on the rise since 2010, the same year that US voters gave the GOP control over the House of Representatives.
Since then, Republicans traveling in Israel/Palestine have repeatedly visited Al-Aqsa with Temple Movement escorts.
A Jewish Currents review of travel filings with the House Ethics Committee revealed that Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan has met with Kahanists on more occasions than any other member of Congress, sitting down with them on four separate trips to Israel/Palestine—in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2020.
In all, more than 40 Republicans—including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, and, following his time in office, former Vice President Mike Pence—have met with Kahanists since 2011, in Hebron and near Nablus as well as in Jerusalem.
Many of these meetings occurred as part of privately sponsored Congressional delegations to Israel/Palestine that were organized and funded by Christian Zionist groups, including the United States Israel Education Association (USIEA) and Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN).
(Under House rules, lawmakers are permitted to participate in privately sponsored trips like those arranged by Christian Zionist groups, and members of Congress are under no obligation to notify the State Department when traveling on such junkets.)
The Temple Movement’s efforts are aimed at accomplishing a single, symbolically important piece of the Kahanist project: Its various organizations seek, per movement founder Yisrael Ariel, to “flatten” Al-Aqsa, the hilltop mosque and compound in Jerusalem’s Old City that is home to Islam’s third-holiest site.
For Palestinians, Al-Aqsa signifies their unbroken historical presence in Jerusalem. But the site is also the former location of Solomon’s Temple, the holiest in Judaism. (Full article.)
Will the Name of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant soon be Banned as “Anti-Semitic” Speech?

Image source: Speaker Mike Johnson: “Antisemitism is a Virus” that is Spreading – Antisemitism Vaccines and Drugs to Follow?
Jewish Zionists who have now constructed this new Ark of The Covenant believe that the Old Covenant under Moses, is still valid today, as they reject Jesus Christ as the Jewish Messiah.
‘The covenant remains valid’
Completion of the project and the replica’s delivery to Jerusalem has special significance to Jake.
“What the ark represents is the fact that the covenant is still valid. It was never abrogated, and the covenant is still strong,” he told attendees.
“God’s commitment to His people is as strong as it was 3,500 years ago when the Ark was built.”
“It should be the weapon that walks in front of the army,” he said.
“We truly believe that it should be both a weapon and inspirational too.” (Source.)
This is official Jewish doctrine, and to disagree and state that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, and that he implemented the New Covenant, which supersedes the Old Covenant, is officially “Anti-Semitic” and “hate” speech against the Jews.
The current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has already passed legislation through the House of Representatives earlier this year (2024), that would make this the law of the land in the United States. See:
Zionist Christians Get Wake-up Call: New Law Defining “Antisemitism” Means Denying the Biblical Record that Jews Condemned Jesus to Death!
This bill is currently stalled in the U.S. Senate, where they refuse to bring it to the floor for a vote.
But if Donald Trump gains the White House, and the GOP retains control of the House and gains control of the Senate after next week’s elections, we can be sure that this law will pass, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem will be destroyed to begin the construction of a new temple, and it will become illegal to quote the New Testament Bible in public, or to claim that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
And yet, this is exactly what American Christians, most too ignorant to even understand any of this because they are under a Satanic spell, are doing by heading to the polls next week as they attempt to install their new Jewish King, Donald Trump.
As the House majority leader Mike Johnson said earlier this year, “antisemitism” is the new “virus” that is spreading, and if you thought the tyrannical measures that Trump took back in 2020 during the COVID-19 “virus” were bad, you haven’t seen anything yet, as this upcoming “anti-semitism virus” is most certainly going to be far worse.
There’s a reason why this new “Ark of The Covenant” was presented to Donald Trump first, before going to Israel.
American Christians Want a New Jewish King to Become Slaves Instead of Serving Jesus Christ in Freedom
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