Exposing Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that Believers Should Always Obey the Government

One of the most common myths taught in Christianity today, and since the "Reformation" period in Europe in the 1700s, is that believers in Jesus Christ are taught to always obey our government. The passage in the New Testament part of the Bible that is used by pastors and other Christian "leaders" today to try and convince people that they need to always obey their government, is from Paul's letter written to the congregations who were in Rome at the time. The first thing one must do to understand this passage, is consider who these instructions were written to, and what their situation was that prompted Paul to write a letter to these congregations, which included this passage at the beginning of the 13th chapter of Paul's letter to the believers in Rome. We saw how this wrong interpretation of this passage in Romans was used by Christian leaders to tell people in 2020 and 2021 to obey what the Government was dictating in terms of a response to the fake COVID "pandemic" and their pharmakeia "cures." And we are going to see more cases like this in our future, especially in terms of Zionism and how they define "antisemitism." But this is an introduction to this topic that should clearly show how the Bible is so easily manipulated by these Zionist Jews and Christians to force the public to comply with their plans for a New World Order, run by the true Antichrist, Satan.