Christian Leaders Push “Mental Health” and Trusting Medical Doctors Rather than Trusting the Jesus of the Bible to Deal with Life’s Problems

As we have reported for years, the field of psychiatry in modern medicine is the most corrupt profession within medicine, where one out of every five psychiatrists is arrested on criminal charges, where four out of every ten women are being raped in psychiatric wards, and where children are routinely abused sexually by their doctors. The entire field of psychology is based on FRAUD, as psych drugs have been shown to be no more effective in "curing mental disease" than placebos, proving that it is one's faith in the drug that makes them feel better. In 2012, Dr. Irving Kirsch, associate director of the Placebo Studies Program at Harvard Medical School, was interviewed on 60 minutes, where he explained that his research showed that antidepressant drugs were no better than placebos. Last year (2023), we published a study that concluded that the “brain imbalance” theory used to prescribe psych drugs, was totally false. And yet these corrupt psychiatrists have a very high standing in Corporate Christianity, with Pastors and other Christian leaders referring the members of their churches to these criminals to seek help for "mental health", as doctors are seen as the answer to all health problems. One of the largest "churches" in the world that guides millions of Christians to seek out psychiatrists to help them raise their families, is Focus on the Family, which was founded by a psychiatrist, Dr. James Dobson. Their daily radio broadcast is reportedly heard on more than 5,000 stations in more than 150 languages, with an estimated global audience of more than 200 million people. This week, they published a 2-part broadcast on "mental health", where once again, rather than discussing what the Bible teaches on "mental health", they turned to a psychiatrist instead. I have studied some of these psychiatrists who are featured regularly on Focus on the Family, and they all have a very similar approach to dealing with "mental health" for children, and it seldom, if ever, refers to Jesus Christ and the Bible. As you can see above in the description to Dr. Gregory Jantz who was on the Focus on the Family broadcast today and yesterday, "growing spiritually in your faith community" is listed right along with taking prescribed medications. Notice the emphasis on "faith community" rather than just one's personal faith. Several years ago Hillary Clinton was demonized by Christians for saying that she believed it "takes a village" to raise a child, as Christians claimed that this belief promoted Government socialism. But when "Christian" doctors state that it takes a "faith community" to raise a child, how is that any different? As I have shown many times, the U.S. Government and the American Church are essentially one and the same, as one cannot survive without the other.

Christian Myths: The Bible does NOT Teach that it is Required for Believers in Jesus to “Join a Church”

I have been warning believers in Jesus Christ since 2020-2021 to get out of the Corporate Churches, most of which today I would use the biblical label of "Synagogues of Satan", as in general these Corporate Churches work together with the U.S. Government to participate in and support the Satanic structures that are the foundation of American culture today, such as the Demonic medical system and their products such as vaccines, the trafficking of children through foster care and adoption, the Zionist movement that supports genocide, and many other Satanic programs. I have shown how the American Church and Corporate Christianity are inseparable from the U.S. federal government, which I recently wrote best describes "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon" in the book of Revelation. Two years ago I wrote an article showing how the Christian Religion is not even found in the Bible. This article was referenced in two testimonials we recently published, where a man from a Muslim nation met the Jesus of the Bible, and where a homeless young man also met the Jesus of the Bible. Both testified that they felt relieved that they could serve Jesus without converting to Christianity or joining a corporate church. Whenever I publish this truth from the Bible, that one does NOT need to join a church or become a Christian to know Jesus, I always get two types of responses from Christians. The first response is that while there are indeed a lot of problems within Christianity and the Corporate Churches, that one still needs to find a "good" church, usually referred to as something like "a Bible-believing church with sound doctrine," with severe warnings if one doesn't do so. They usually write things like "there are no Lone Ranger Christians" or "you may end up like Jim Jones," a Pastor who led his entire congregation to commit mass suicide-murder in Jonestown, Guyana, back in 1978. The second response is usually something like: "OK, I know that the corporate churches are bad, but where do I go to find other believers I can meet with and have fellowship with?" The thing that both of these responses seem to agree upon, is that the Bible teaches us to find a group of believers who meet together and then join that group, because we are commanded to do so, and to not seek out "fellowship" with other believers, is a sin. So what I am going to do in this article is show how this "teaching" is NOT found in the Bible, so you can be free from feeling guilty about this myth, and then give some practical ideas of what you could do in place of spending so much time trying to find other believers who think like you and agree with you on every issue.

All Wars are Orchestrated by the Satanic Jewish Bankers

The current war in the Middle East is currently in the middle of its fourth month, and it is now much more obvious that this is a planned war, and that probably every single State actor is following a plan that was put into action last year on October 7th. Iran along with their proxy militaries, such as Hamas, and Hezbollah, have had plenty of time now to carry out their threats against Israel, but as of today the slaughter and genocide of the Palestinian people (including Christians) continue with over 25,000 people killed, including over 10,000 children. Other Muslim nations such as Turkey and the Arab States, also continue to just sit by and watch this genocide happening every day, while only using words to condemn the mass murders. The reason the killing continues, of course, is because all of these countries still receive $BILLIONS from the Zionist U.S., and the ones who control the finances from the West are the Satanic Jewish bankers, led by the two most powerful families in the West, the Rockefellers of the U.S. and the Rothschilds of the UK and France, and all those who do business with them and control most of the world's financial system. This financial system is on the brink of collapse, and the primary commodity that the world's richest people use to control the world in modern times, is petroleum and all of its byproducts. The world today is powered by electricity, and the fuel that electricity needs to keep running the world, is oil. But the main problem these Globalists are having today is that their efforts to get the price of oil higher have been mostly ineffective since the Ukraine-Russia war, and that problem is now being addressed with the war in the Middle East. War is, and always has been, a means to create wealth for the Globalists, led by the Satanic Jewish bankers, and this has been primarily accomplished by keeping the price of oil high. The lie that has been used to adjust the price of oil at will by simply decreasing production, is that oil is a "fossil fuel" with limited supplies, when in fact it is a commodity that the earth is constantly producing, and its fair market value would be close to the value of water, the other liquid that the earth is constantly producing. It is painfully too obvious that the leaders of the Muslim countries who are feigning their condemnation of Israel and their "support" for the Palestinian cause, are in fact working together with the Satanic Jews and the Zionists to drive up the price of oil (among other things), and try to salvage the failing banking system as long as they can before they implement the "Great Reset" of the world's financial system. War is profitable, and when the price of oil increases, it benefits ALL parties on BOTH sides of this current World War. The innocent lives that are sacrificed during war are just the cost of doing business. When one begins to understand the mindset of these Satanic Jews, one can easily see how managing human beings is much better accomplished without so many of them around, as the "useless eaters" or the "goyim" have to be reduced for them to maintain their power, which is why they are so active in killing babies and sexually trafficking them for their own Satanic purposes. It is this same belief system that promotes changing one's gender, or having the kind of sex that does not produce children. The true war on humanity is a war against God the Creator of Life, and Satan the Destroyer of Life, and it has been going on since the First Century, and obviously even long before then.

Young Man Living on the Streets Finds Jesus of the Bible – Overcomes Drug and “Terminally Online” Addictions

I met Luke online in October of 2022, when he emailed me and told me his story of how he had been "a homeless schizophrenic drug addict in LA, multiple overdoses, multiple suicide attempts, and tied down by every vice one could possibly imagine" just 8 months before he emailed me, and that now "Through Christ, in a matter of 8 months, I am off all illicit drugs as well as all medications, holding a job, and living a thriving life I never thought possible." Like Abdulah, a young man who lives in a Muslim country whose story we recently published, Luke discovered that he could know Jesus without the hindrance of Christianity and the Corporate Church, by reading the Bible for himself and going directly to God. Luke explains how his downward spiral in life began when he was 8 years old and diagnosed with ADHD, and put on the drug Adderall. Luke is a Millennial, and not only did Jesus Christ rescue him from his drug addictions, but Luke explains how Jesus also gave him the power to overcome his addiction to being "terminally online." He ditched his "smart" phone and now only carries a flip phone, and he tells me that he only carries that around because his job requires that he have one. I have asked Luke to write out his story, in the hope and belief that his experiences can provide hope to others who have been damaged by Big Pharma and the online lifestyle, and that one does NOT need to become a Christian or join a Corporate Church to meet Jesus.

Satanic Jews Exposed in Brooklyn Underground Tunnels where Children are Subject to Satanic Ritual Abuse – Lady Liberty’s Last Dance

And so it begins. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, events prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago are unfolding right in front of our eyes every day now. One of the latest fulfillments of prophecy to be revealed to the public in recent days, are these words spoken by Jesus Christ: "For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open." (Mark 4:22) "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." (Matthew 10:22-26) What was formerly "concealed" and "hidden" but has now been revealed, is that the United States is the world's leader in child sex trafficking, and Satanic ritual abuse. This unveiling to the public actually began in 2016, with Wikileaks exposing the Podesta emails that revealed how the world's richest and most powerful people were involved in this child sex trafficking business. Donald Trump, a hardcore Zionist and himself a participant in this evil cult, was selected to become President, probably because he was deeply leveraged from participating in child sex trafficking, and the Satanic Jewish underground world, led by the CIA and Mossad, apparently created Q to distract the world from what was REALLY being revealed by the Podesta emails, referred to as "Pizza Gate." Since the Trump election in 2016, cracks began appearing in this demonic child sex trafficking network, as Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, both Jews with ties to Mossad, were revealed to be the leaders of the Epstein Beast banking system that rules the world. Investigative reporter Whitney Webb did the world a favor by taking months off from her normal work in 2022, and compiling a two-volume book on the Epstein empire, as she exposed the three men who funded Epstein and his rise to power: Leslie Wexner, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. And then in 2023, the Zionist Jews revealed who they really were to the rest of the world, as they began their reign of terror in Palestine and Israel, murdering tens of thousands of people, many of whom are children, and even attacking and murdering their fellow Israeli citizens while blaming it on Hamas. And here in 2024, as World War 3 expands every day now, the Satanic Jews and their Satanic child sexual abuse crimes have been exposed in New York City, as police raided the synagogue in Brooklyn that is the world's headquarters for the Chabad Lubavitch Jews, exposing the tunnel that was used to abuse and murder children in their Satanic cult.

2024: Most Americans are Totally Unprepared for War

World War 3 continues to escalate today, on the first day of 2024, as the Red Sea is quickly turning into a full blown Naval War. Iran has reportedly now deployed a war ship to the Red Sea. Americans today, perhaps more so than any other nation in the world, have had little to no experience of surviving war on their homeland. World War 2 saw many Americans deployed to Europe where many families suffered the loss of loved ones, but only in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii were there any attacks by foreign military forces on U.S. soil. The attacks in New York City on September 11, 2001, were the closest thing to being in the middle of a war that most Americans living today have ever experienced, and I (along with many millions of others) do not even believe those were attacks by foreign enemies, but a false flag attack by our own government. And that was 22 years ago, a distant memory for most, and for those under the age of 23, they were not even born yet. But it had a profound effect on the emotional health of Americans, as the commercial airline traffic was shut down nationwide for days, as fear ruled the nation for weeks. But a full scale war with continual bombing into key cities or military establishments has never been seen in the history of the United States, only outside the U.S., with the U.S. military being the primary force continually bombing other countries since at least the 1970s with the Vietnam War. So what we have today in the U.S. is a population who has for the most part never seen the full devastation of war, except in the world of virtual reality via their TVs and Internet devices. This makes the United States a very dangerous place to be here in 2024. Most of the people in this country who have experienced what real war is like, are the multitude of migrants crossing our border in record numbers every day.

U.S. Supreme Court Protects Freemason Corporations and Big Pharma – Strikes Down Any Legal Opposition to COVID-19 “Vaccines” and Mandates

The Supreme Court has, once again, overturned lower court rulings that challenged the U.S. Federal Government's role in mandating COVID-19 bioweapon shots. The "Conservative" majority, once again, ruled to protect the interests of Big Pharma and their immunity from being prosecuted in the U.S. judicial system, as it has done consistently since 2011, even though the pharmaceutical companies were not the defendants in these cases, but obviously benefited from this ruling. When you see an article from one of the newer false prophets in the Alternative Media stating that we can now "sue Pfizer for damages" or any other such nonsense, you can just ignore it and move on to the more important topics facing us today as WW III develops, because Corporate America OWNS the U.S. Supreme Court, who serve them, and not the public. The U.S. Government politicians serve their master, and she is not a human being. If you haven't figured it out yet, you need to wake up soon, because not only does your government NOT serve you, it wants to kill you. There will be no justice until the rightful government and King return to setup the REAL One World Government, which will be a Messianic World Government ruled by Jesus Christ.

Medical Doctors and Their Idolaters Will NOT be Welcome in the Kingdom of God

According to the book of Revelation in the Bible, medical doctors and those who worship them are not going to be allowed into the Kingdom of God. God himself is going to heal the nations, but not with magic or witchcraft. It is time for all true disciples of Jesus to get out of the medical system, and get out of the Christian religion. The time seems to be very short now before all these events prophesied in Revelation start happening, if they aren't already.

What is the Difference Between the “Image of the Beast” and the “Mark of the Beast”?

This is another article in my series about the book of Revelation in the Bible and "End Times" prophecies, with possible interpretations presented in light of modern events currently happening in the world around us since the COVID Scam in 2020. I am writing from the premise that modern-day events point to the United States and American Christianity as "The Great Prostitute" and "Babylon," with the first "Beast" mentioned in Revelation being the financial system, and NOT the Anti-Christ, which others besides myself also interpret as the "Beast," and that the second "Beast" that gives voice to and works together with the first Beast, is Big Tech. In this article, I want to identify what modern-day evidence leads to as identifying the "mark of the beast," which is different from the "image of the beast." In Revelation chapter 14, for example, we see these three identities all mentioned in the same verse: "If anyone worships the BEAST and his IMAGE and receives his MARK on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the mark of his name." (Revelation 14:9-11) So what is the difference between the beast's "image" and his "mark"?

Are the Space Wars About to Begin? Is the Second “Bowl” Judgment About to be Poured Out?

NASA's fake moon landing hoax from 1969 is getting more attention in the alternative media these days, as a clip from Russian Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos, the Russian state space agency, is going viral which has reportedly exposed the fake NASA 1969 moon landing. Is this perhaps military posturing over the rapidly increasing satellites and rockets that the new U.S. Military branch, Space Force, is launching into space? I have previously reported how NASA is a Freemason agency, and that the name of NASA's new military program is "Artemis," the name given to the main female "deity" during the days of the Roman Empire centered in the city of Ephesus. This female demonic "god" was known as "Ashtoreth" in Old Testament times, and today I believe she is known as "Columbia" or "Lady Freedom" and resides in the United States. This female head demon "deity" was also linked to worship of the moon, and was sometimes called "The Queen of Heaven", such as in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, who was the sole prophet who warned the inhabitants of Jerusalem that the city and the Temple were about to be destroyed in 586 BC by the military forces of Babylon. This "Queen of Heaven" was known as a fertility god, and believed to have been an image of the moon. Today, people in the United States are not "burning incense" and worshiping the moon, as far as I know, but we are "worshiping" her in different ways, by spending $billions on the NASA space program and the new military Space Agency, much of which today is flowing through the hands of Elon Musk and his SpaceX program, to go "back" to the moon "again," even though we never went there in the first place back in 1969. Are we approaching the "last battle" that originates in "heaven" where the Queen of Heaven, represented by "Columbia" and the NASA "space" program which "worships" the moon, engages in battle with Jesus Christ and his army?