American Christians Have Blood on Their Hands as Their Prejudice and Hatred of Muslims Fuels War and the Slaughter of Innocent People

There is little doubt that Muslims are prejudged and discriminated against most by Zionist Christians (although not all of them) here in the U.S. Every day I see articles in my newsfeed from the Conservative Right alternative media that condemn ALL Muslim people, with names of their publications including names like "Bare Naked Islam" and "Jihad Watch", where they refer to all Muslims as "terrorists" or evil people. These Zionist Christians pretend to be experts on Islam and what it teaches, claiming that the goal of Islam and the Quran is to kill Christians and setup Islamic law in their countries. But I wonder how many of these self-proclaimed "experts" have ever actually met a Muslim to confirm their rhetoric, or ever visited a Muslim country? Sadly, because the propaganda of Western politics effectively divides our public between "Left and Right", with anyone daring to question the Western view of Islam labeled as "liberal," I can already anticipate the attacks and hate comments and emails that the Zionists will attempt to post here, who will claim that I am a "liberal" and a supporter of Islam. The idea that someone can be neither "Right nor Left" but actually think for themselves and follow the evidence to wherever it leads, is a foreign thought to most Americans. I can have a love and appreciation of Muslim people without belonging to their religion. In fact, for those who follow my writings and actually know me, know that I do not support ANY religion at all, including Christianity. All religions are basically part of the Satanic world order, and weaponized by Satan himself. I ask in the caption of the featured image for this article, which features Muslim women with their head covered in the top row, and Muslim women without their head covered in the bottom row, which group is more suppressed by men? Which group is more successful in their careers? Which groups fits in better with American Culture?

The Zionism Cult: Christian Churches of Satan

For 3 years now I have been warning the American public that it is time to leave the American Corporate Christian Churches, since in general, these Christian Churches followed the ways of Satan and submitted to the Satanic COVID measures, including having their children sacrificed to the Vaccine Cult by injecting them with bioweapons. I have documented how Corporate Christianity has reached this point in history, by not following the teaching of the Scriptures, which includes both the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament. I was trained in Christian Zionism at one of their top schools in the early 1980s, so I could easily write a treatise disputing all the false teaching of Christian Zionism, but I have already covered most of the biblical teaching refuting this false doctrine in previous articles, many of which I have linked to in this article. So instead of spending more time refuting not only Zionism but also Corporate Christianity, let me instead give the biblical, spiritual principle of why so many Christians are deceived today. Corporate Christianity is a $TRILLION market, employing millions of people, and to dare to oppose Zionism and not support Israel is to potentially lose your career and source of income, and be ridiculed by the Christian Community.

Captured Hamas Terrorist: “We Prepared for Over a Year – We were Shocked that IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) were not Waiting for Us” – Netanyahu Supporting Hamas?

As we now enter into the third day of the war in Israel, many in the Alternative Media who are not invested in the Zionist religion and are able to look at what has happened in the past couple of days objectively with critical eyes, are questioning the Corporate News and the Pro-Israel Alternative News narrative as to how this attack by Hamas terrorists could have happened in the first place, given the fact that Israel has, by far, the most powerful military and intelligence forces in the Middle East, if not in the entire world. Did the forces behind Benjamin Netanyahu actually work with Hamas terrorists to pull off this false flag attack for a greater purpose? Netanyahu has publicly stated that this attack is Israel's "Pearl Harbor" moment. Pearl Harbor was a false flag attack by the Japanese on American forces in Hawaii that was known ahead of time by President Roosevelt back in 1941. Roosevelt needed the support of the American public to enter World War II and unleash massive funding for the Pentagon and defense contractors, and the shock of seeing American citizens killed by Japanese Kamikaze pilots did the job. Likewise, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, told "FOX & Friends Weekend" on Sunday that the recent attack on the Jewish state by Hamas terrorists is equivalent to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States 22 years ago. It is widely known, at least in the Alternative Media, that 911 was also a false flag attack to get the American public on board with the "War Against Islamic Terrorists" and an excuse to pass the Patriot Act, which gave the U.S. Government massive powers to spy on its own citizens. The CIA orchestrated the entire event, by allowing American citizens to be killed by "terrorists" for a greater purpose that enriched the Globalists. The idea that Benjamin Netanyahu could have orchestrated a false flag operation using Hamas terrorists to kill Israelis is not so far fetched of an idea, when one considers that he is already guilty of mass murder due to the contract he made with Pfizer back in 2020, with the help of his fellow mass murderer and friend Donald Trump, that made Israeli citizens guinea pigs for Pfizer's COVID-19 "vaccines."

War Breaks Out in the Middle East – Beware of the U.S. Media One-Sided Coverage

Tensions in the Middle East escalated this week, and it appears that a full-blown war has now started with the attacks in Israel earlier today. Attacks that have killed hundreds of people started before the attacks in Israel today, however. Earlier this week, at least 100 people in Syria were reportedly killed in a deadly attack at a military college in Syria’s Homs province. The Syrian Government said it was a terrorist attack by “known international forces,” which implies they were funded by the U.S. who has had a military presence in Syria for over a decade now opposing the current Syrian Government. This news was barely mentioned in the U.S. media, which instead focused on another attack that happened at the same time in the northern part of Syria, where Turkish forces attacked Kurdish military installations in retaliation for a suicide bombing in Ankara, Turkey. The U.S. actually shot down a drone that was reportedly operated by Turkey, a NATO ally, and this is what was headline news in the U.S. media that day. And then today, Saturday, October 7th, all of the news headlines are concerning a "surprise" attack by the Palestinian group Hamas against Israel, and the Israeli response, where hundreds of Israelis and Palestinians are reported as killed. Unfortunately, the U.S. media, BOTH the corporate media as well as most of the alternative media, are strongly pro-Israel and very one-sided in their coverage of what is currently happening in Israel. So what I want to do in this article is quote non-U.S. media sources to give the other side of the story that you are not likely to read in the Western Media. And just a reminder for some of our newer readers who may not know much about me, I have spent a significant portion of my adult life, in my earlier years, living in the Middle East. I was fluent in Turkish at one time and spent many years in Turkey, including working with Kurdish refugees after the Gulf War, and I have also lived in Saudi Arabia for several years where I taught English at the university level. Most Americans have never even met or befriended a Muslim, let alone visited or lived in a Muslim country, and have bought into the propaganda that lumps all Muslims into one category (Jihad terrorists), and also vilifies anyone who dares to mention anything negative about Israel, and the Zionist agenda which most Evangelical Christians (wrongly) believe is a fulfillment of prophecy. I have a BA from one of the top Zionist Evangelical schools in America, so I know the Zionist view very well, having been trained in it. But I have been studying the Bible for over 40 years now, and have never embraced the Zionist view, even while a Bible School student back in the early 1980s, because the modern day Zionist views are not taught anywhere in the Bible. In fact, the opposite is actually taught.

Murderous Medical Doctors: How Pediatricians Kill Babies with Multiple Vaccines in One Office Visit

If you have a baby today in the United States, the most dangerous place for your baby in terms of health and safety, is in the office of a licensed pediatric medical doctor. This entire class of medical doctors earn their living from treating children, and let's face the facts here: healthy children are a terrible business model for pediatricians. The baby needs to become "sick" in order to bring them in for an office visit where the pediatricians can then earn their living from billing you for their services, as well as selling you their medical products. These pediatric doctors, who would be better labeled as "priests," need to be licensed by State medical boards in order to "practice medicine" on your baby or child. And one of their priestly functions as a pediatrician is to inoculate your child to welcome them into the pharma cult, and that usually begins the day they are born, if they are born in a hospital, with the Hepatitis B vaccine, which is for a sexually transmitted disease. These inoculations then ensure that the child will grow up constantly sick, and in need of more priestly services from pediatricians. Much like criminals in the criminal justice system in the U.S., who are appointed attorneys (public defenders) to represent them in criminal court if they cannot afford an attorney of their own, if your baby is born in the hospital in the U.S. and you do not have your own pediatrician, one will be assigned to you, mostly likely from your county's public health department, the primary agency at the county level in every state in the U.S. that is responsible for ensuring that babies and children are injected with "vaccines." Sometime after the pharmaceutical drug pushers obtained legal immunity for their vaccines in the event that a patient dies or is injured by those vaccine products back in 1986, this class of pediatric doctors implemented what is called the "well child visit" whereby the parents are directed to bring in their baby for periodic "well-child checkups." Clever marketing, don't you think? Even if the baby is not sick, the medical priest gets to continue "practicing medicine" on your baby and earning income, and that first "well-child checkup" usually begins at 2 months old. These "well-child checkups" are then used for one of the pediatricians main money-making products: vaccines. If by chance a pediatrician wakes up one day and determines that these products are actually harming their patients and wants to stop injecting them with poison, they will inevitably lose their medical license to practice, and will no longer be a member of "the club." (Freemasonry) And to maximize profits, these pediatricians are taught how to administer multiple vaccines in one visit, especially if the patient (victim) missed a previous "check-up" and is no longer "up-to-date" on their childhood vaccines. This will ensure a lifetime of sickness and disease from the victim who will then become a slave to the pharma cult, if they survive. Many babies and children do not survive, and become victims of the population-control agenda of the pharma cult. There were a few of us exposing this evil cult prior to COVID, but since COVID, the big money now in Alternative Health is opposing the COVID scam and the COVID shots, which is a great distraction from the rest of the killer vaccines that have been authorized and licensed by the FDA and CDC for decades now. So I did a search in the U.S. Government VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) database that was updated today to see just how many babies and children have died after receiving multiple vaccines at one time since December of 2020 when the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, and the results shocked me: 772 deaths. Most of these deaths were babies and children, and most of these vaccines did NOT include COVID shots, since December of 2020, less than 3 years ago.

The Concept of the American Christian Family is a Myth and is NOT Found Anywhere in the Bible

When you see an image, or an actual photo, of an American family such as the one above, what comes into your mind about the 5 people in this image? For me, being raised in a church-going family and part of the Christian religion, I used to look at images, photos, or actual groups of people resembling this illustration in public, and conclude that this was a "good Christian family" who all go to church together every Sunday. I would just assume that the adult man and woman in this photo were married and that the children with them were born to them after they were married. If it was an "ideal" Christian family, they would not have been previously married to anyone else, and would have been married as virgins because they were "good Christians" who saved themselves until God brought them the "perfect" husband or wife. However, I am older and wiser now, and when I see an image like this, or a group of people in public like this, I no longer imagine the same kind of things about these people in this "family" that I used to think. It would look more like the image below, with commentary about who each person in this graphic is more likely to be. And while some may want to say and believe that everything written in this graphic below is likely to be rare when one sees such actual "family units" in public or in photos, I am quite confident to say that the way I now see such "family" units as in the image below with the sample bios, is far more common than the false, storybook "ideal" Christian family that is portrayed by our culture. In fact the culturally-defined "Christian Family" concept is a myth, and is found nowhere in the Bible.

We Have Replaced Wisdom with Technology and We Will Suffer the Consequences

Are you prepared for the post-technological age? As I have written in previous articles, when I write about a "crash" of the technology, and the "post-technological age," I am NOT stating that all the technology will go away or fail. What is inevitable is that we will recognize the limitations of this technology, including the ways it enslaves us, and we will be forced to use our God-given creativity and ingenuity to make smart uses of the technology, without depending upon it as much as we do now. But there are very few people today who are even thinking about that day, let alone preparing for it, and they will be the ones who suffer the most. So to prepare for the future post-technological age, we need to acknowledge the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

There will be Terrible Times in the Last Days – The Holy Scriptures are Able to Make You Wise

The two statements contained in the title of this article come directly from the Bible, in Paul's second letter to Timothy. Here are the words of Paul describing "the last days." As you read the text in this letter written over 2000 years ago, see if they describe the culture we are currently living in here in 2023. "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God--having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth--men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their foolishness will be clear to everyone." (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

Warning to the Followers of Satan: God has Energy Weapons Too

We now know that Satan and the Globalists who serve him have tipped their hand as to their current campaign in their war against humanity, by massacring innocent people on the island of Maui, which includes children who were at home the day the terrorist attack occurred because school was canceled that day, in what clearly looks to be some kind of energy weapon of mass destruction that causes fire that melts metal but does not burn down trees or wooden structures. This is obviously a developing news story with each day that passes revealing more information about how devastating and tragic these fires were, and the overwhelming amount of information that is being censored in the corporate media, and even in much of the alternative media, that exposes evidence, with much of that evidence coming directly from the victims who were there when it happened and are now speaking out, that these fires were directed, as an act of Satanic terrorists, and not natural. But I have been directed by the One whom I serve, and his Holy Spirit, to deliver a message today of hope to the true disciples of Jesus Christ, and a warning to the followers of Satan who is the father of lies and a murderer: God Has Energy Weapons Too.

Are You Ready for the Collapse of the Medical System?

The medical system in the United States today is on the brink of collapse. I seriously doubt that there are too many people who would question or doubt this statement. For example, 100,000 nurses have left the medical system since COVID, and 800,000 more nurses plan on quitting. Pharmaceutical drug shortages have become so severe, that pharmacists and hospitals are now rationing medical care. And many hospitals are now "dumping" patients on the street, because they can no longer afford to care for them, as they refuse to leave. This crisis in the medical system is happening right now, even before the economy totally collapses. So when the economy does collapse, and these medical products and services are no longer available to you, what are you going to do? Have you given any thought or made any plans for when this day comes, which could literally come tomorrow?