One in Christ: Abolishing Discrimination and Class Warfare in the Messianic New World Order

The world is very quickly advancing to the final stages of the "The Great Reset," and implementing a "New World Order," and as I have explained in past articles on this topic, there are two competing ideas as to what this New World Order will look like, and who will implement it. One is a Luciferian World Order ruled by Satan, and the other one is a Messianic World Order ruled by Jesus Christ. What is apparently not very obvious to most people today, is that the path to both versions of this New World Order look very similar. Both paths see a reduction of the world's population, for example. One of the truths that is perverted by the Luciferian world system, is the concept of "race" and "equality." "Critical race theory" (CRT), for example, is being put forward in our educational systems as a way to deal with inequalities within races. And while there might be some truth in this teaching somewhere, its overall purpose is to continue promoting class warfare, and dividing classes of people to oppose each other and achieve the Satanic version of a New World Order. True equality of classes is only found in the Messianic New World Order, led by Jesus Christ who only saw two classes of people: those who know God and those who do not. This truth of the equality of the human race independent of ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, or any other way of classifying human beings, is so basic and so clearly taught in the Bible, that most people just completely miss it and are easily deceived by the prevailing teachings of the day regarding class warfare. And this is true on BOTH the Left and the Right political sides. But if you can understand this basic truth, you will be able to see through many of the lies being mixed with truths and half-truths today, and it will greatly affect your view of the future. It will mean the difference between viewing the future with fear, giving up hope and thinking there is nothing standing in the way to stop the Satanic Globalists' implementation of their New World Order, to looking at the future with expectation and hope, waiting patiently for the day when Jesus fulfills prophecy and brings about true equality and justice for the human race.

What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah

God's wrath (anger) is apparently not a very popular topic. I have received numerous emails from people over the past couple of weeks complaining about my comments that God is actually the one behind the plans to significantly reduce the world's population. That message is apparently "too negative" for many people, who prefer to read articles about "hope" and how God is going to rescue us all from the eugenic plans of the Globalists. History shows us, however, that God's anger is very real, and it is also an attribute of God that is clearly taught in the pages of Scripture over the past several thousand years. So while it is true that God is "longsuffering," meaning "very patient," when it comes to his anger being unleashed, there most certainly is a tipping point where God says, "Enough is enough," and then takes action to demonstrate his power over the Satanic Globalists, and those who choose to be part of the Luciferian world system, instead of serving God and entering into the battle to resist that system. When I look at the history that is recorded in the Bible, I believe the closest example in the past that perhaps correlates to what we are going through today is the condition of Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish empire, just before it fell to invading forces in 586 B.C., and the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah who tried to warn the leaders and the people for years what was about to happen to them. Jeremiah is often referred to as the "weeping prophet," because the visions of the future that awaited his country and his people were so horrible, it almost drove him mad. Everyone abandoned him, including family members, and it almost cost him his life to deliver the message that God had given him to bring to the rulers and population of his country, because it was not a message of hope that they wanted to hear, but a message of doom, where a significant majority of the population were about to die horrible deaths.

Identifying the Luciferian Globalists Implementing the New World Order – Who are the “Jews”?

A year ago this month I published an article that exposed who was behind the Plandemic and the riots that were breaking out in major urban areas across the United States. In that article, I clearly showed how the Globalists who control the affairs of the world are Satanists, and that their plans to implement a "New World Order" was nothing new with the 2020 great COVID-19 Plandemic, but had been many years in the making. This is an update to that article. Nothing has changed as to who is directing this march towards a New World Order, as at the top is a person named "Satan," or "Lucifer," or "the Devil," and it doesn't matter if your own belief system does not agree that this person exists, because the Globalists at the top of the power structure most certainly do, and they are active participants in Satanism. But a year later now, we can flesh out more who these people are, as many of them practice their Luciferian religion in secret, and we also now have the excellent 5-hour presentation by Altiyan Childs exposing Freemasonry from an insider perspective, where he calls Freemasonry "the world's oldest religion." After much research, I concur with this statement, and I believe that there is strong evidence that pretty much ALL of the world's religions are either part of Freemasonry, or strongly influenced by it, which is just another term for worshipping Satan. It is also time for me to more fully deal with the term "Jew," quite possibly the most misunderstood word in the English language. I will warn the reader right up front here that this article will most certainly upset the majority of people who read it, and almost everyone who reads it will find something to disagree with, but that's OK. As always, the primary goal of Health Impact News is to report on things that are routinely censored elsewhere, and to shine a light into the darkest corners of evil. So while you are likely to read things you do not agree with, you are also very likely to learn some things as well.

The Most Important Truth about the Coming “New World Order” Almost Nobody is Discussing

A little over a year ago, before COVID-19, to bring up the subject of a "New World Order," or a "One World Government," was to be branded as a "conspiracy theorist," in spite of the fact that such global institutions as the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, and many other global institutions have been publishing materials on their view of the future for decades, and predicting things such as a major reduction of the world's population and a central world-wide government. Fast forward to today, June of 2021, and the idea is no longer so far-fetched, particularly for those who know how to bypass censorship in the corporate media and Big Tech. And yet even within the alternative media, for the most part only a single view of the coming New World Order is discussed, as if it is inevitable. Most see it as a future of increased technology, and words that were hardly a part of our vocabulary just some months ago, are now common, such as transhumanism, technocrats, mRNA, gene-altering, nanobots, etc. For those of us who completely understand that this has been part of a global plan that did not just hatch overnight with the "discovery" of a dangerous new "virus" that the globalists are using to instill fear into the population for the purpose of controlling humanity, we need to take a step back, I think, and ask ourselves: Are we falling into their trap in thinking this way? Is there an alternative view that is not only possible, but more plausible than the narrative that is currently circulating around in the alternative media?

It’s Time to Choose Sides: Do You Even Know What Side You Are On?

World events are speeding ahead at a record pace now, and it should be clear to just about everyone by now that we are witnessing a grand master plan to roll out a New World Order. There are very many signs now that we are facing an imminent collapse of our society's infrastructure, something few Americans are prepared to deal with. If some of these things being predicted, BOTH in the corporate media as well as in the alternative media, come to pass, we are going to see massive deaths and destruction at a level that will make 2020 and the COVID lockdowns seem like a vacation in comparison. It's time to choose sides, but sadly, the vast majority of the public is clueless as to what those sides are. There are rumblings among the Trump supporters that some states' election results are going to be overturned, and there is a lot of speculation now that the Office of the President of the United States may soon be turned back over to Donald Trump. If you are among the masses who currently believe that the choices now facing us are either a Biden administration, or some kind of insurrection to put Trump back in office, then you are simply following this grand master plan that has been in the works for a very long time now, and you are walking right into their trap. So what I am going to do first in this article is explain to you the principle of "order out of chaos," sometimes also referred to as the Hegelian principle. Then I will explain what your REAL choices are.

The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the “Mark of the Beast” – Are You Prepared for What’s Coming?

During these dark and troubled times, the topic of "the mark of the beast" as mentioned in the Bible is getting a lot of press, especially in relation to the bioweapon COVID-19 shots, and transhumanism. However, I have yet to see anyone address the mark and seal of God, also mentioned in the Bible, and so this article will address this, and hopefully dispel some myths and provide some reassurance and comfort to those who are needlessly fearing the "mark of the beast" and becoming a "transhuman."

Your Life Today Depends on What and Whom You Fear: A Virus, or God?

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread." (Isaiah 8:11-13) The Bible has a lot to say about "fear." In short, fearing the wrong things or wrong people can lead to your death, while appropriate fear will lead to life.

Those Who Persevere Will Receive What is Promised – Those Who Shrink Back Will be Destroyed

Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him." But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. (Hebrews 10:32-39)

The Power of the Individual – Enemies are Destroyed by a Single Person Who Trusts in God

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name. His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. For nothing is impossible with God.

Should You Read the Ancient Bible? Is The Bible Accurate or Corrupted?

Reading and studying the Bible has literally changed my life. I would not be here today writing what I am writing, on ANY topic on the Health Impact News network, if it were not for my constant studying of the Scriptures. All of us have been conditioned by our culture, through education, media, entertainment, etc. And that conditioning is controlled at the top primarily by Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness. It is sometimes called "brainwashing," and we are all victims of it. God's eternal word as recorded in the Scriptures helps us break through the madness and lunacy that results from the propaganda that bombards us every day. It presents truth to expose the lies in our culture. It shines light into the darkness, exposing the evil deeds done in that darkness. I start out each day with my devotions, where I read a portion of the Bible, write down the key verse or verses God is showing me for that day, and then pray. It is a daily habit I learned early on in my life, and it has brought me to where I am today. Spiritual discernment, and knowledge of the Bible, for example, taught me many years ago that the pharmaceutical industry was Satanic, and that in the Bible the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the modern day word "pharmaceutical," is translated by words such as "witchcraft," and "sorcery." I learned early on that I did not have to fear sickness or disease, and I chose not to participate in the medical system, guided by my knowledge of the Bible and God's Spirit of discernment. When I look at the American culture today, I can't help but think that not many know the Bible (in spite of the fact that there are over 6 billion in print!!), and not many are being led by God's Spirit, because Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness is winning the day through deception, big time.

Is God’s Judgment About to Fall on America? What is the “Mark of the Beast”?

I have posed two questions in the title of this article that I am going to attempt to answer. I am writing from the perspective that the websites under my control that are part of the Health Impact News network, could be seized by the Government and shut down at any moment, and if there was one last thing I would want to communicate to our readers, it is this article. I will also refer to information contained in the Bible, a collection of 66 ancient writings written by 40 or more different authors over a period of about 2,000 years. I have studied the Bible since 1979, and later spent three years in college majoring in it until I earned a bachelor's degree in it in 1984, and now have spent over 35 years mostly unlearning what I was taught in Bible school so I could reconcile what is really happening in the world with what the Bible actually teaches. I have abandoned the Christian religion completely, and no longer follow any religion at all, just the pure teachings of the Bible. If you don't live in America, most of what is written here will probably apply to your country as well, as the world has never been as unified as it is today, probably since the Tower of Babel event recorded in Genesis chapter 11 of the Bible, when everyone spoke the same language. There are many ways to look at current events today and try to decipher what is really going on, and this will be the spiritual perspective, and the perspective that I believe God is looking at the world from right now.

Which “Great Reset” Will You Choose?

We are now entering into the final phase before the "Great Reset." The "Great Reset" is a concept defined primarily by the World Economic Forum, but also endorsed by the goals of other Globalist organizations, such as the United Nations, and the Rockefeller Foundation. It has already been documented that we have just seen the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, all in the name of COVID. The "Great Reset" is not a new concept, but one that has been in the works for decades. What has now empowered the Globalists to finally implement the "Great Reset" is COVID. Now the Wall Street Billionaires and the Central Bankers who control the world's financial system, through cleverly advertising just how "deadly" COVID allegedly is to produce panic and fear, have made their move to transfer the economies of the world to their control, and now the big push in their advertising is to convince the public that the "Great Reset" is next, and that it will solve all the world's problems. If you have not yet taken time to understand just how they are defining this "Great Reset," and the "Fourth Industrial Age," it is time you do so. The next big event in this march towards the Great Reset is the U.S. political elections this week. The "Great Reset" is coming. It cannot be stopped at this point. The only question left is which version of the "Great Reset" will finally be implemented? Fortunately, we are NOT without hope! The time has come for each one of us to contemplate our own personal "Great Reset."

The Path of Resistance is a Lonely One – Whom do you Fear?

In the opening chapter of the second book of the Bible, the book of Exodus, we have a record of the actions of two women who changed the course of human history, by defying their King's orders. "The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do." (Exodus 1:17) The result of the midwives' resistance and refusal to obey the King's edict, was that one of the baby boys who was spared was named "Moses" and went on to become a prophet of God and the leader of the Hebrews, delivering them from their bondage and slavery, and the one who met with God on Mt. Sinai where the Ten Commandments and related laws were given for a new society. Two African women, Shiphrah and Puah, feared God more than they feared their king. And the course of human history was forever changed. To resist tyranny and go against the crowd is not easy. But for the one who fears God more than man, that's what we are called to do, even if it means giving up everything here on earth that we cherish and value, including our own family members who may choose to go their own way in a different direction. Take special note of these word spoken by Jesus: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:34-39)

The American Dream was Always a Lie – The Path of Christ is a Lonely, Difficult One

"We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22) When the apostle Paul wrote the above statement, he had been stoned to death. Or least, that is what his enemies thought. "Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe. They preached the good news in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. 'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said." (Acts 14:19-22) Like Jesus before him, Paul was upsetting the ruling class that controlled the local politics and the economy, by preaching that one could have direct faith in God through his Son, Jesus Christ, apart from religion and the religious rulers. It was a message that empowered the common person. It was the message of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached. The way to God, the way to the truth, and to the life, is a path of suffering, humiliation and shame. It is the same path Jesus walked when he took on human form and came to live a human life within the flow of human history. It is a way that led to Jesus' own death, a necessary, sacrificial death to save the world. We are now called to follow the same path, the narrow path that may also lead to our physical death, as we look to the better life that is yet to come. Quite a different picture than the picture of the "American dream," isn't it? Since the end of WWII and the beginning of the "Industrial age" and now the "technological age," the myth that has been perpetrated through the invention of television and their programming and American propaganda education is that the American dream is real, and obtainable by anyone. And that the enemies of this American way of life are other nations who are jealous of our "freedom" and therefore hate us. Bull crap! This is, and always has been, a lie straight from the pits of hell, and the father of lies, Satan. America is not the promised land. America is dead. Judgement is coming, whether you are ready for it or not.

Satan Owns NOBODY! The Invitation to Join God’s Kingdom is Available to EVERYONE!

Jesus Christ: "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the assembly; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation..."(Colossians 1:15-22) In this world we have good news, and we have bad news. The bad news far outweighs the good news, at least by volume. But in terms of quality, the best news is what is described by the apostle Paul in the verses just quoted above in his letter to the believers in Colosse during the First Century. In short: Jesus created EVERYTHING, and Jesus OWNS everything. And yes, EVERYTHING is literal and means EVERYTHING. Put in negative terms: Satan owns NOTHING. Satan owns NOBODY. In fact, Christ OWNS SATAN, because he created him, he who was formerly an Angel of Light, but is now the Prince of Darkness. Satan, the Devil, once had a claim on others, on those who rebelled against God, as he did. But not anymore. After Jesus came to earth in human form, taking on the form of a helpless baby that Satan tried hard to destroy, and then grew up into a man and freely gave up his own earthly life as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world, he paid a costly price to purchase back everyone who was previously lost. One of the biggest lies that Satan, the father of lies, wants you to believe, is that you cannot be saved. That you are beyond hope, that because of your past, or your family, or some terrible things you have done in your life, that you are beyond hope and doomed to whatever the future has in store for you. This is a lie! You were created in the image of God. And even if you have been traveling down the wrong road in life, as long as you have breath and a heart beat, you can claim the redemption that Christ paid for by his own blood, which satisfied God's anger and judgement against your sins: past, present, and future. The redemption that Christ purchased is rightfully yours. Not because you deserve it. Not because you earned it. But because God loves you, and he wants you to come home.

Vaccine Injury Prayer Clinics will be Needed for the Coming Tsunami of Vaccine Injuries

This is a message for born-again believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The original article to which it responds is here: "September DOJ Report Lists 200 Vaccine Injuries and 1 Vaccine Death Compensated During 6 Month Period – And that’s Without a Fast-Tracked COVID Vaccine" The subject is vaccine injury and the call is for the establishment of Vaccine Injury Prayer Clinics. This article advised us that UK-based AstraZeneca, one of the leading companies fast-tracking a COVID vaccine, halted Phase 3 trials due to a negative adverse reaction among the test participants. Particularly one who developed transverse myelitis of the spinal cord. I had to look this up because it is so unusual in the natural, occurring rarely and mostly in severe cases of multiple sclerosis. But in the toxic world of vaccines, it is a sadly common injury. This is a severe injury for which there is no medical treatment, since a medical treatment has caused it. You do not recover from this unless there is Divine intervention. It is absolutely best to avoid it. But for many people, avoiding the toxic and dangerous coronavirus vaccine to come may be next to impossible. The Satanists who are driving the pharma industry to produce these dangerous biologics and the complicit governments who are preparing and implementing tyranny upon tyranny to force them upon people, may succeed in their goal of injecting millions and millions with this stuff. Suffice it to say we are looking at the arrival of the New World Order tyranny storm. There are already many vaccine injured people. But when the new coronavirus vaccines are rolled out, especially if they are forced or otherwise coerced upon people, this phenomenon will explode. You can be sure that the medical world will be no help as they are really a part of the problem now. Indeed, front line medical workers who are assured to be among the first to receive the new vaccine, will be claimed as its first victims. So the multitude of new vaccine injured people will have no other recourse but to turn to God for help. That is where believers in Jesus who know how to do the prayer work of healing ministry, will come in. People are going to need help and they are going to need people who know how to pray for them to get it. This is why I am calling for the establishment of Vaccine Injury Prayer Clinics across the land.

Two Competing Plans for the New World Order: Is the Return of Jesus Christ Imminent?

In the Acts of the Apostles published in the New Testament section of the Bible, we see in chapter 2 that the promised coming of the Holy Spirit after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, was manifested by giving supernatural power to the believers in Jesus to start speaking in other languages. The history of the human race, in one sense, had come full circle from the Tower of Babel story in Genesis chapter 11, where the whole world at that time spoke a common language. The world system, which just several generations previously had been destroyed by a world-wide flood due to the wickedness on earth, was again apparently a threat to the Kingdom of God, necessitating God's judgment to confuse their language so that they could not continue in their evil ways. When the followers of Jesus started miraculously speaking other languages on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, therefore, it has significant historical meaning in the history of the human race. Much like how evil the world was just before the flood destroyed mankind preserving only the family of Noah, and much like the story of the Tower of Babel where again, the world had become so wicked that God had to intervene and break up the One World Order that was only possible through a common language, so it would seem that we have come full circle in history once again, where the world has become utterly evil, and where God, once again, needs to intervene.

The American Revolution: When the Bankers Destroyed the Economy – History Repeating Itself?

With some forces wanting to erase American history these days, here is a history lesson from William Guy Carr's 1950s classic, Pawns in the Game. We featured Carr's book in the previous article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order. Carr documents the beginning of the secret society known as the Illuminati, and how the real enemies of all people, whether right or left, Democrat or Republicans, are the global bankers in this Satanic group. This might be a different version of American history than what you are taught in school, especially if you were educated in a public school.

The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?

All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent. Some, like the Caduceus, have two serpents around a staff, while others, like the rod of Asclepius, have only one serpent. There are various interpretations as to the difference in meaning between the two, as well as the history of their origins, but the oldest reference to the serpent and its role in human suffering or healing, is contained in the earliest records of the Bible, in the writings of Moses, who is credited with writing most of the first 5 books of the Old Testament portion of the Bible around 3500 years ago. Since these writings pre-date anything written in Greek mythology by almost 1000 years, I am going to base this article on the Bible, the oldest and the most widely circulated and most frequently translated collection of ancient writings in the world, by far, with no serious competitors in ancient or modern literature. If that bothers you, no need to read further. We will see from the ancient wisdom of the Bible, that the serpent representing Satan is the ultimate anti-Christ, that he is weaker than Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible as both the Son of Man and the Son of God, and that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ broke the power of Satan over sickness and death. Satan has yet to be judged and sent to his eternal punishment in a place called Hell, and there awaits a final battle between Jesus Christ, the ruler of the Kingdom of God, and Satan, the current ruler of the World System. The Kingdom of God originates in Heaven, but also extends to earth and exists in the lives of the true believers of Jesus Christ. In addition to the physical world, there exists a spiritual world (or universe), and every living human being currently inhabiting the planet either resides in the spiritual Kingdom of Darkness ruled by Satan, or in the spiritual Kingdom of Light ruled by Jesus Christ. Revelation Chapter 13 talks about the "mark of the beast," where "beast" could also be translated into the English word "serpent." "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:16-17) I am not going to delve into the controversial topics of prophecy or theology in this article. Instead, I am going to show just what the image of the "serpent" represents, its place in modern medicine, and how if one wants to resist being part of the Satanic system that may require everyone to accept some kind of "mark," then you are probably going to need to prepare yourself to stop using the medical system completely. I realize that we have been conditioned to believe that we cannot survive without pharmaceutical drugs and the medical system, but I assure you it is possible. I have not used the medical system in many years, and have not carried health insurance (by choice) for over 20 years, and I have survived! It is my belief after many years of research and teaching on this subject, that for every patented pharmaceutical drug making billions of dollars for the medical system, that there are natural remedies created by God found in nature that are actually more effective, especially if we stop believing in the allopathic germ-theory of disease, and realize that health is much more than just the condition of our physical bodies.

“Just as He Said” – #JustasHeSaid

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." (Matthew 28:5-6) Jesus is true to his word. Something that is very rare in the world today! He promised his disciples that after he was murdered by the Globalists of his day, that he would rise again from the dead.  And he did. So what else did Jesus say that we can bank on?