Two Competing Plans for the New World Order: Is the Return of Jesus Christ Imminent?

In the Acts of the Apostles published in the New Testament section of the Bible, we see in chapter 2 that the promised coming of the Holy Spirit after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, was manifested by giving supernatural power to the believers in Jesus to start speaking in other languages. The history of the human race, in one sense, had come full circle from the Tower of Babel story in Genesis chapter 11, where the whole world at that time spoke a common language. The world system, which just several generations previously had been destroyed by a world-wide flood due to the wickedness on earth, was again apparently a threat to the Kingdom of God, necessitating God's judgment to confuse their language so that they could not continue in their evil ways. When the followers of Jesus started miraculously speaking other languages on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, therefore, it has significant historical meaning in the history of the human race. Much like how evil the world was just before the flood destroyed mankind preserving only the family of Noah, and much like the story of the Tower of Babel where again, the world had become so wicked that God had to intervene and break up the One World Order that was only possible through a common language, so it would seem that we have come full circle in history once again, where the world has become utterly evil, and where God, once again, needs to intervene.