Who is Going to Listen to Your Complaint?

Do you feel all alone today? Do people treat you unfairly? Do you feel like no one is interested in any of your problems and that there seems no way out of your difficult circumstances? Who can you complain to? The Creator of the universe and the one who knit you together in your mother's womb, and the one who loves you with an unfailing love is the one who is always available, and has plenty of time to listen to everything you have to say. Are you taking advantage of this incredible opportunity that you have right now, at this very moment, to talk to and pour out your soul to the one who knows you and loves you more than anyone else in the universe? I am sure that God is so sad when he sees you struggling, and you don't even take a moment of your day to come to him with your problems.

Don’t Put Your Trust in Human Government!

All human government is temporary, so let’s put our hope and trust in the Creator of the universe who loves us and cares for us! If we put our hope and trust in the Lord Jesus for all our needs, we won’t be so disappointed when human government lets us down or even takes advantage and mistreats us.

Who has the Answers to Your Problems?

Who has the answers to your problems?
God Searches You!
Read Psalm 139
O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
This is how David starts […]

What is the Purpose of Your Sickness?

The idea of our sickness being a result of our sins is not a popular message today, because our humanistic culture is built upon the foundation of Darwinian evolution, and it has taught us to believe that all sickness is a result of natural causes that we can control in our environment. The drug companies have developed a medicine or vaccine for just about every problem now with this belief system. If they cannot find a cause for the sickness in the natural realm, they usually just cite the cause as "stress" and give a pill for that too. The spiritual realm, including sin, is usually not even acknowledged. While it is certainly true that our environment, the physical realm, can cause us to be sick, we should first examine ourselves and see if there is a spiritual cause. Sin is very real, and it has very real consequences in our physical bodies. If God is disciplining us through our sickness, then physical remedies (natural or medical) will probably not work.

How I Found Peace with God

I was driving down a rural highway in north central Wisconsin that Autumn night, thoughts running wildly through my mind. “Why wasn’t I dead?” […]

Who do You Trust?

In this article, we want to look at how we can receive all the provisions God has given to us as citizens of heaven living on earth in the kingdom of light. Quite simply, we receive everything we need to overcome the kingdom of darkness and live victoriously in the kingdom of light through simple, child-like faith in God’s love for us. The instant we are born again into the kingdom of light, we have access to all the power of heaven at our disposal, and we become co-heirs with Jesus Christ as owners of the universe. With child-like faith, we can receive all that God intends for us and overcome the forces of darkness that cannot stand before the light of God’s kingdom.

Living in The Kingdom of Light

There are two spiritual kingdoms operating in the world today: the kingdom or rule of darkness, and the kingdom of light. Satan is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness, and Jesus Christ is the ruler of the kingdom of light. The spiritual kingdom of light is more powerful, just as in the natural realm when light and darkness collide, light always overcomes darkness immediately. This article will just be a brief survey regarding living in the kingdom of light, the kingdom of Jesus. The most comprehensive record of life in the kingdom of light is the New Testament portion of the Bible. The New Testament record of the Bible starts with the miraculous birth of Jesus, the record of his life, ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection, and then continues on with the writings of the first believers who began to walk in the kingdom of light after Jesus was resurrected and went up into heaven. The New Testament record contains many stories of the kingdom of light invading the kingdom of darkness and setting people free from their sicknesses and problems. To truly understand all the truths and benefits of living in the kingdom of light, a thorough reading and understanding of the New Testament is essential.

Foundations For Life: What’s Yours?

Foundations for Life: What’s Yours?
Our basic understanding of life and the world around us affects our way of thinking and ultimately our health – […]

The Bible: What is It, and Why Should We Read It?

For an updated and more comprehensive version of this article please see:
Make Reading the Bible a New Year Resolution – It Could Change Your […]

Re-Creation: The Rebirth

Our physical bodies are decaying and will eventually die, but our spirit can be renewed and re-created, bringing about true health. This is a permanent solution to our health problems, and it is a FREE offer available to all - it cannot be purchased.