Joy within Sorrow: The Great Paradox of Life
Knowing Jesus and his love for us, will give us great joy, and complete joy, during the times of pain and suffering in this life.
Knowing Jesus and his love for us, will give us great joy, and complete joy, during the times of pain and suffering in this life.
Jesus had spent the past three years with his closest disciples, and his teaching while residing in their physical presence was about to come to an end. He was about to be arrested and then executed within hours. He had one more lesson for these disciples, and it was the greatest lesson of all. Learning this lesson would completely change their lives, and also completely change the world. If one were to summarize all of Jesus’ teaching during those three years into one simple command, it would be this: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. (John 13:34-35) While the command to love others was not new, since it existed in the Law of Moses, loving others as Jesus did was something new! The world had never seen a love like the love that Jesus possessed and demonstrated. And Jesus’ intention was that his disciples would exhibit this same kind of love – that the world would recognize his disciples by the very love that he himself had taught and demonstrated. So now the time had come for his last lesson, and it began in an upper room in Jerusalem during the Passover, known as the “Last Supper.” John, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, records this last meeting with the disciples in John chapters 13 through 17. Understanding the principles that Jesus taught during this last meeting, is the key to ultimate health and wellness as taught by the greatest teacher that ever walked on the face of this earth.
The spiritual wisdom that comes from God helps us to understand things that cannot be understood strictly in the natural realm. The really important issues of life, such as who is God, why did he create me, what is my purpose in life – are not found simply through “scientific” discovery. We must seek the spiritual wisdom from God via a relationship with him to understand these things.
When we walk in the Kingdom of Light refusing to be defiled by the culture of the world system which is part of the kingdom of darkness, we go against the crowd exposing their sins and the weakness of their system. Their natural reaction is one of anger, and so persecution is the natural outcome.
There is a wisdom that does not come from human knowledge. It is not obtained by observation, or by using scientific methods. It is revealed by God, who is the Creator of the universe and stands outside of his creation, and therefore has much more wisdom than can be observed from within the creation.
What were you born for during this current day and age that we live in? Have you considered what God’s plan is for your life in “such a time as this?” Are you sacrificing your own desires and aspirations today for the sake of serving God and serving others, by putting the needs of others ahead of your own needs, even to the point of being willing to give up everything, even your own life? Esther did, and she changed the world.
What is real healthcare? Who is responsible for providing it? Today in the 21st century, if one were to walk into any church or place of worship where believers are gathered together in America and ask them this question: Who is responsible for providing your healthcare? What would be the response? Would they respond in a similar way that believers have always responded throughout the history of the Bible, a book which is the written record of God’s people and their faith in God?
Where do you see the source of healing coming from? Who do you turn to when you are sick? When you are healed, who do you give credit to?
Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. (Isaiah 40:31)
God knows that we can do nothing apart from him. The very air that we breathe every second of our existence is dependent upon him. He desires a relationship, not religion.